
  • Azure Active Directory Integrated authentication not working

    0 I am writing a graphql api which uses azure DB(Azure AD authentication). my connection string is "TestDB": "Server=servername;Initial Catalog=DBName;User id = my ad acccount Persist Security Info=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated;", API is failing to authenticate the user. It gives an error "Failed to authenticate the user "myaccount" in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated).rnError code 0xwstrust_endpoint_not_foundrnWS-Trust endpoint not […]

  • How to resolve “Error fetching schema” in gqlgen

    2 Good day, i am new to go and i am trying to build a graphql service with go, i did this using the go gqlgen package. Now when install and generate necessary files the initial start up, i can see the default TODO schema and resolver on the docs tab, when i implement or […]

  • graphene graphql dictionary as a type

    23 I’m a newbie for the graphene and I’m trying to map the following structure into a Object Type and having no success at all { "details": { "12345": {"txt1": "9", "txt2": "0"}, "76788": {"txt1": "6", "txt2": "7"}, } } Any guidance is highly appreciated Thanks python graphql graphene-python Share Improve this question Follow edited […]

  • Invalid cast Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.HierarchyId

    0 I use GraphQl to fetch the data, here is my method in order to get the result based on category ID. public IQueryable<Product> GetActiveProducts( string categoryId, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) => return _dDbContext.Categories.Where(x => x.Id == categoryId); Also, my entity is as follows: public class Category:IEntityHierarchy { public string Id { get; set; } // […]

  • How can I dynamically construct a GraphQL query in PHP?

    1 I’m using the following query in GraphQL: $q = " { shop { name } } "; But I want to do it dynamically in PHP in the following way: $fieldName = ‘name’; $query = [ "shop" => [ $fieldName ] ]; And later on when passing the query to GraphQL I wanna convert […]

  • PWA Studio Create Review Mutation failed

    0 I have this mutation to create the product review which is working fine but not able to integrate into the form does anyone how I can fix that ? mutation { createProductReview( input: { sku: "Samsung S21 Ultra", nickname: "Test", summary: "Great looking phone", text: "This phone looks and feels great.", ratings: [ { […]

  • Apollo GraphQL client data is undefined when using fragments

    0 I’ve a Next.js project using the Apollo GraphQL client 3.7.17, where the following code works for me: const { loading, data, error } = useQuery(gql` query GetTeamCurrentWeek($teamId: ID!) { team(id: $teamId, idType: DATABASE_ID) { teamMeta { currentweek } } } `, { variables: { teamId: 715 } } ); If however I change the […]

  • Why is my Apollo useLazyQuery being called unexpectedly in a React hook?

    0 import { useLazyQuery } from ‘@apollo/client’; import { useEffect, useState } from ‘react’; import { ContestSessionResponseInfoObject, GetSessionDocument, HasAccessToRoundDocument, } from ‘@/graphql/generated/shikho-private-hooks’; import useQuizUserSessionStore from ‘@/store/userSessionStore’; import { calcTotalSec, isDateExpired } from ‘@/utils/helpers’; const useUserSession = (roundId: string, userId = ” as string) => { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const { setUserSession, userSession, setUserSessionExpired, […]

  • How to properly serve custom queries with @method directive in lighthouse-php?

    1 I am building an inventory application with lighthouse and struggling to grasp the concept of serving custom queries with complex logic on demand. This is and approximate query that I am trying to create: { statsReport { dailyTotalSales dailyAverageSales dailTotalItemsSold newDailyCustomersCount etc. } } I was thinking of creating an Obejct that would have […]

  • GraphQL Server – Addscoped (without explicityly specifying)

    0 I am writing a graphql api using .net core+hot chocolate. I have to define all service names while creating graphql server. I have more than 20 service classes. Is there a generic way of specifying these services, I dont want to write 20 + lines of code to specify each service name. addscoped .net […]