How to properly serve custom queries with @method directive in lighthouse-php?

How to properly serve custom queries with @method directive in lighthouse-php?


I am building an inventory application with lighthouse and struggling to grasp the concept of serving custom queries with complex logic on demand.

This is and approximate query that I am trying to create:

  statsReport {

I was thinking of creating an Obejct that would have different methods that would congregate such.
I looked into creating custom types, like so


namespace AppProviders;

use GraphQLTypeDefinitionType;
use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider;
use GraphQLTypeDefinitionObjectType;
use NuwaveLighthouseSchemaTypeRegistry;

class GraphQLServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap services.
     * @param TypeRegistry $typeRegistry
     * @return void
     * @throws NuwaveLighthouseExceptionsDefinitionException
    public function boot(TypeRegistry $typeRegistry): void
        $types = [
            new ObjectType(
                    'name'   => 'Stats',
                    'fields' => [
                        'dailyTotalSales' => [
                            'type'        => Type::float(),
                            'description' => 'Daily Total Sales',
                            'resolve'     => function() {
                                return $this->dailyTotalSales();
        foreach ($types as $type) {
    public function dailyTotalSales()
       return 1198.92
    public function newDailyCustomersCount()
       return 10


I registered the provider but not sure how to query this type?

Or am I doing it completely wrong and there is a better way of doing that?

Do I have to add it to schema.graphql somehow?

I can create a custom query, but then I will have to require all stats simultaneously inside __invoke method, I would rather do that on-demand. For example, if I made a request like so

  statsReport {

I would have called these two methods executed.

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1 Answer

Reset to default


Because of the help of Jason Adams.

I have the answer to the problem. In order to achieve what I was trying you have to do the following:

1. Cmd: php artisan lighthouse:query StatsReport

2. Create desired method (for example averageDailySale) inside StatsReport class like so


namespace AppGraphQLQueries;

class StatsReport
    public function __invoke($_, array $args)
        // This part is important otherwise it won't work.
        return $this;
    public function averageDailySale()
        return 1122.12;

3. Create StatsReport type inside schema.graphql:

type Query {
    statsReport: StatsReport

type StatsReport {
    averageDailySale: Float @method

4. Query it:

query {
    statsReport {

This way if you have complex calculation with multiple SQL queries inside each method and complex logic you will trigger them one by one on-demand.

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