Tag: wordpress-graphql
Gatsby filter with wordpress wpml langauge not working
0 I have a wordpress headless setup to work with gatsby static site genetator. The data is coming correclty when queried from wordpress console. { categories (where : {language: "fr"}){ nodes { id, databaseId, name, uri } } } Same data is not coming when queried from gatsby graphql query: { allWpCategory (filter : {language…
Apollo GraphQL client data is undefined when using fragments
0 I’ve a Next.js project using the Apollo GraphQL client 3.7.17, where the following code works for me: const { loading, data, error } = useQuery(gql` query GetTeamCurrentWeek($teamId: ID!) { team(id: $teamId, idType: DATABASE_ID) { teamMeta { currentweek } } } `, { variables: { teamId: 715 } } ); If however I change the…