0 hello all I develope application in react native with qraphql so here is my one of the query { products( filter: {category_uid: {eq: "Mw=="}, bestseller: {eq: "44"}} sort: {name: ASC} pageSize: 10 currentPage: 1 ) { total_count items { uid name sku boutique_name small_image { url label } } } } So in above […]
0 I am relatively new to GraphQL. Although, I see the next issue in this api building approach. GraphQL allows efficient communication between client and server because the client could select the bare minimum required fields and server sends just these fields and nothing more. That reduces a client-server bandwidth. That’s a pros. Although, for […]
0 How can I return a Decimal type from my backend GraphQL server and then parse it on my frontend client? I have a backend that returns a product with a price. The price is a custom scalar of Decimal type. The schema is like so: scalar Decimal type Product { id: ID! price: Decimal […]
0 My stack is: react v17.0.2 graphql v16.8.0 graphql-ws v5.14.0 urql v4.0.5 I use Hasura Actions to connect to REST API and I need to implement global error handling for all mutations. For example I have useAuthentication hook that returns a signOut promise: import { useMutation } from ‘urql’; export const useAuthentication = () => […]
-1 I’m trying to access my graphQL server on my production server but getting the CORS error. The request url is: https://mov****.at/graphql In my index.mjs where I start the Apollo server I have CORS defined as so: app.use( ‘/graphql’, cors({ origin: [‘https://mov***.at’, ‘https://mov***.at/graphql’, ‘https://studio.apollographql.com’] }), bodyParser.json(), expressMiddleware(server), ); And in my graphql.module.ts I have the […]
0 I have a list of articles, which have several dates attached to them : publishedAt (default date generated by strapi when article created) date (manual date user can enter to alter the default date) updateDate (manual date user can enter to print a second date, mentioning that the article was updated, and when) Basically […]
2 I got most of the tutorial up and running just fine, i.e subgraph creation, publishing subgraphs to Apollo Studio, and setting up the router. When I try to run a unified query on the supergraph, however, I get the following error, 2022-11-10T19:20:59.880454Z apollo-router/src/services/subgraph_service.rs:173 ERROR [trace_id=dc031984b0655a46580ce9ac8c7fd6e6] apollo_router::services::subgraph_service: fetch_error="hyper::Error(Connect, ConnectError("dns error", Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: […]
0 We have next entity: public class Product { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; [BsonExtraElements] public Dictionary<string, object?> AdditionalData { get; set; } = new(); } This entity can have many dynamic data that can be stored inside AdditionalData property. Using attribute BsonExtraElements we […]
1 Thanks in advance for help me. In my previous code GraphQL code was working but we want to migrate the Aws Amplify when we added the Amplify after words i am getting the data in interceptor but after that getting exception- "com.apollographql.apollo.exception.ApolloParseException: Failed to parse http response" "Parameter specified as non null is null […]