0 I would like to know if it is possible to delete an item from a nested object via API or graphQL. I have a collection type (restaurant) with a repeatable component inside called "franchise" (Florida and New York). I would like to delete just one of those (Florida for example). Is that possible? API […]
0 I am using .NET Core 7.0 with PostgreSQL and graphQL. I am getting an error when I try to get all records from the database using the below code. When I try to get a single record then it is working fine. Error: The source ‘IQueryable’ doesn’t implement ‘IAsyncEnumerable<Vcp.Doctors.Gql.Models.ProviderInformation>’. Only sources that implement ‘IAsyncEnumerable’ […]
0 I try to use useMutation to add product to cart by button click, but after a lot of attempts it still don’t work and i can’t understand how to make it work. my code looks like that: product.jsx const [add, {error: addError}] = useMutation(ADD_CART, { update(cache, { data: { add } }) { cache.modify({ […]
0 I am Trying to Define a typeDefs for the following response in graphql CompactRes={ "Compact": [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6, [ 7, 2.567 ] ]]} Here is my Schema const typeDefs = gql` type Compact{ compact:[[Float]] } type Query { response(count: ID!): Compact } `; const resolvers = […]
0 I’m trying play with a website’s GraphQL API (https://www.xxxlutz.hu/api/graphql) to scrape data. In Altair working fine, but I need to run in PHP with curl_impersonate to bypass Cloudflare. I tried this, and working fine: $d = ‘{"query":"query {navigation(codes: ["header_nav_root"], levelAmount:2 , levelOffset:0){data}}"}’; $curl_impersonate_exec_command = ‘/usr/local/bin/curl_chrome100 -g -L "’ . $url . ‘" -X POST […]
0 `Currently i am facing the problem during the migration of the Apollo server from version 2 to version 4 We are downloading and implementing changes in lot of packages mainly when it comes to the Graphql package i have downloaded all the components and installed in my machine but some packages says that duplicate […]
0 With this req template I can send the event to a lambda where I can check and edit some user input fields: { "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "Invoke", "payload": { "typeName": "$ctx.stash.get("typeName")", "fieldName": "$ctx.stash.get("fieldName")", "arguments": $util.toJson($ctx.arguments), "identity": $util.toJson($ctx.identity), "source": $util.toJson($ctx.source), "request": $util.toJson($ctx.request), "prev": $util.toJson($ctx.prev) } } My lambda is correctly triggered. I’m not sure what […]
8 I am coming back to C# after a long time and was trying to catch up using the book C# 10 in a Nutshell. The author there mentions that changing a property’s accessor from init to set or viceversa is a breaking change. I can understand how changing it from set to init can […]
0 I have a field There are values inside SignificanceLevelType : How can I get these values in frontend if there aren’t a special query for this? When I sent: query { protectedNaturalAreas { edges { node { significanceLevel } } } } I got significanceLevels in protectedNaturalAreas, but I want to get existing areas […]