How can I get schema from graphql?

How can I get schema from graphql?


I have a field

How can I get schema from graphql?

There are values inside SignificanceLevelType :

How can I get schema from graphql?

How can I get these values in frontend if there aren’t a special query for this?

When I sent:
query { protectedNaturalAreas { edges { node { significanceLevel } } } }

I got significanceLevels in protectedNaturalAreas, but I want to get existing areas (‘FEDERAL’, ‘LOCAL’, ‘REGIONAL’)

  "data": {
    "protectedNaturalAreas": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "significanceLevel": "FEDERAL"
          "node": {
            "significanceLevel": "REGIONAL"
          "node": {
            "significanceLevel": "REGIONAL"

I use Apollo and Vue3

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