0 I’m working on some async code for subscriptions / web sockets and have the following code after some effort. This in itself is functional. @type(name="Subscription") class ContactsSubscription: @subscription async def company(self, info: Info, pk: str) -> AsyncGenerator[CompanyType, None]: async for i in model_subscribe_publisher(info=info, pk=pk, model=Company): yield i The part where I’m struggling is discovering […]
0 SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK) @AutoConfigureGraphQlTester class SpaceControllerTest { @Autowired private GraphQlTester graphQlTester; // below the test cases` Throwing exception : Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field ‘graphQlTester’: No qualifying bean of type ‘org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester’ available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} I tried working on various options but not getting […]
0 I am trying to create multiple users at a time from a CSV file. Right now I am only able to create one user at a time using the following mutation: mutation { users { create ( email: "" name: "" passwordRaw:: "" providerKey: "" groups: [1] mustChangePassword: true sendWelcomeEmail: false ) { responseResult […]
4 I have an extending property needs to be filterable, however it fetches the data from a different data source. That means the default filtering won’t work, as the query cannot be translated properly. I want to create a dummy filtertype handler, then apply the filter manually based on the query context. public class User […]
0 im trying to deploy Nestjs with Graphql backend server on Vercel, I am using schema first approach so there is a schema.graphql and graphql.ts in my src folder, you can see my code below, im following the nestjs docs to write my code, but it shows this error when deployed, can anyone help to […]
0 graphql query running import { gql } from ‘@apollo/client’; const GET_CLIENTS = gql` query getClients { clients { id name email phone } } `; export { GET_CLIENTS }; import {gql} from ‘@apollo/client’; const DELETE_CLIENT = gql` mutation deleteClient($id: ID!) { deleteClient(id:$id) { id name email phone } } `;[enter image description here][1] export […]
0 I have checked out the code from https://github.com/camunda-community-hub/camunda-platform-7-graphql this. I am able to run it as a spring boot application. All the services of camunda along with camunda rest apis and graphql apis are working perfectly fine. However we have a specific need of deploying the camunda as a war file on tomcat 8. […]
0 I am a new developer working on a project for a bootcamp, my project is a music social media application using graphql and mern stack. I am working on the resolvers for the cud operations and need to add authentication to my mutations for addPost, removePost, removeUser, addComment addFriend etc. When I run my […]
2 I’d like to get the output of git blame <file> for all files in a repository recursively. I want to do this without cloning the repository first, by using Github’s GraphQL v4 api. Is this possible? I’ve managed to get a list of files via this query: query { repository(owner: "some owner", name: "some […]