condensing an async method into a one liner

condensing an async method into a one liner


I’m working on some async code for subscriptions / web sockets and have the following code after some effort. This in itself is functional.

class ContactsSubscription:
    async def company(self, info: Info, pk: str) -> AsyncGenerator[CompanyType, None]:
        async for i in model_subscribe_publisher(info=info, pk=pk, model=Company):
            yield i

The part where I’m struggling is discovering how I can rewrite certain aspects to shorten this code even more and remove the repetitiveness out of the code for each model declaration through my 40-odd models in the app.

My goals would be to condense this into something like:

class ContactsSubscrption:
    company: AsyncGenerator[CompanyType, None] = model_subscribe_publisher(Company)

I’ve seen this done in the same strawberry library, for queries:

class ContactsQuery:
    company: CompanyType = node()

I fail to understand the magic that makes this work. How could I accomplish this?

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