0 my gqlgen go app with postgres based on the schema when i try to implement the function it display error as it is not bigint type for the user id, but the user id in the user struct generated by gqlgen are string //my schema type Query { getUser(id: ID!): Users! listUsers: [Users!]! } […]
0 I need to send API call to set different prices for each currency to specific VariantID. The shop is set to base on GBP. Somehow I need pass the prices for each currencies for specific VariantID I can see in shopify settings -> markets -> EU -> there is an pricelist for EUR, I […]
7 I’m writing a concept that checks if a type can be used in an expression that composes 2 functions: template<typename T> concept C = requires(T t) { f(g(t)); }; i.e., I want to check if for a given object t of type T, I can call g(t) and then use the resulting value as […]
0 I have a rails app and I use gem GraphQL. The app contain this type in: app/graphql/types/category_type.rb module Types class CategoryType < Types::BaseObject field :id, ID, null: false field :name, String, null: false field :weight, Integer, null: false field :parent_id, Integer field :categories, [Types::CategoryType] field :shoes, [Types::ShoeType] def categories object.categories.all end def shoes() object.shoes.all […]
0 I have 2 services in my system, which both have their own subgraphs. Product Service, which is "smart" i.e. knows about different product types and Suggestions Service which is rather "dumb" i.e. only knows that there are some products, but nothing about specific types. So the 2 subgraphs look something like the following: Product […]
0 Simple models, we have a user and a user is part of topics. The linking is done through a pivot table. Both users and topics have the correct relationships. The query works. But. Now we need to add the pagination to it. type User { id: ID! uuid: String! email: String! api_token: String! devices: […]
0 So im trying to implement graphql in flutter, using bloc too. I think i already did all the necessary part, but when i try to hit the graphql, it return response like this HttpLinkParserException (ResponseFormatException(originalException: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) here is my graphql function – void _onLoginButtonPressed( LoginButtonPressed event, Emitter<LoginState> emit) async […]
6 I just tested modifying a table in my PostgreSQL db through DBeaver and it seems to have broken the db when looking at the data from the Hasura (Graphql) console. I simply added a column from Dbeaver. In Hasura I get an error "no such column exists". Anyone have any idea why or how […]
0 we’re trying to connect an Amplify Studio project to the Visual Studio Code Interface using the Amplify CLI and we run into the following problem when trying to fetch data. We’ve updated our code and configured the AWS as well. The current error that we’re running into : import { API, graphqlOperation } from […]
6 There’s lots of GUI clients like GraphQL Playground, GraphiQl, etc. with ability of getting GraphQL schema from the URL. How can I get the schema with Python? python python-3.x python-requests graphql Share Improve this question Follow asked Dec 10, 2018 at 23:30 Igor ZaliznyakIgor Zaliznyak 6311 silver badge33 bronze badges 5 Answers 5 Sorted […]