Simple models, we have a user and a user is part of topics. The linking is done through a pivot table. Both users and topics have the correct relationships. The query works. But. Now we need to add the pagination to it.
type User {
id: ID!
uuid: String!
email: String!
api_token: String!
devices: [Device]
orderBy: _ @orderBy(
columns: ["created_at", "last_message_at"]
): [Topic] @belongsToMany @paginate(type: SIMPLE)
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
type Topic {
uuid: String!
user_uuid: String!
title: String!
slug: String!
key: String!
last_message_at: DateTime!
extend type Query @guard {
me: User @auth
Above the Schema, when we remove the @paginate from the user, it works without pagination. Now we need the pagination on this.
This is our GraphQL query:
me {
topics {
And we get the following error:
Node topics can only have one directive of type Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\FieldResolver but found [@belongsToMany, @paginate].",