
  • Numeric prefixes for statamic fields

    0 I’m really sorry if this is a dumb question. And please mark my question as a duplicate if needed…I just didn’t find an appropriate answer. My problem can be found in the picture below. And my question is…why does statamic prefix some fields with numbers allthough it is not possible to query them with […]

  • Filtering by query string and request path in GraphQL via CloudFlare API

    0 is it possible to filter the data by path and query string in the GraphQL for CloudFlare request? I want to achieve from the CloudFlare API. What I came up with looks like below: { viewer { zones(filter: { zoneTag: "MY_ZONE_ID" }) { httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups( limit: 10000 filter: { datetime_geq: "2023-10-16T00:00:00Z" datetime_lt: "2023-10-17T00:00:00Z" clientRequestHTTPHost: "" […]

  • How can I multiply a INumber with an int?

    15 How should I implement the multiplication by int (z * 2) on the last line? public static TResult Test<TResult>() where TResult : INumber<TResult> { TResult x = TResult.AdditiveIdentity; TResult y = TResult.MultiplicativeIdentity; TResult z = x * y; TResult z2 = z * 2; // <— this gives the CS0019 error "The operator * […]

  • NEW: Semrush Backlinks

    Hi This is Mike Ayrton Let me introduce to you our latest research results from our constant SEO feedbacks that we have from our plans: SEMRUSH Backlinks The new Semrush Backlinks, which will make your SEO trend have an immediate push. The method is actually very simple, we are building links from domains that […]

  • What is _Nullable pointer in C?

    6 What does _Nullable mean in following declaration? void foo(int *_Nullable ptr) gcc of version 11.4 doesn’t compile that code, because it treats _Nullable keyword as an argument name. Yet I see this keyword in man 7 pages: Godbolt c Share Improve this question Follow asked 11 hours ago Ержанов ЖалгасЕржанов Жалгас 6111 […]

  • GraphQL Error: Expected undefined to be a GraphQL type

    2 I have been running into this GraphQL error for the past day or so and I have a hard time pinpointing where the problem lies. I hope the following makes sense… In my project I have the following GraphQL types; Questionnaire & Question were a Questionnaire has many Questions and a Question belongs to […]

  • How to define an empty Object Type in a GraphQL schema?

    9 I want to specify my GraphQL API in a schema, but I also want to spread my schema out among multiple files. I want to be able to use extend type Query or extend type Mutation to add queries or mutations to the overall schema. For example, my user.graphql file is as follows: type […]

  • Is there a way I can remove the action name from my actions response in Hasura?

    0 I attempted to use response transformation in Hasura to extract the response_body from an action response. However, the action response is structured as follows 1. { "action_name": { response_body } } My desired outcome is to obtain the response_body without the action_name key, like this: 2. { response_body } Using response transform {{$body}} you […]

  • How to prevent or eliminate duplicated fields with GraphQL?

    2 Is it anti pattern to prevent or eliminate duplicated fields in GraphQL? for example, this query has the same id field 10 times and even tho it doesn’t return the value 10 times, but it’s increasing the query cost, so, what is the best way to deal with this? how can I prevent querying […]

  • Laravel graphql lighthouse not working properly

    0 I am using GraphQL Lighthouse for Laravel 10 project for the first time and I stuck in first phase of api. I exactly do what documentation said Link Here and YouTube tutorial Install lighthouse package composer require nuwave/lighthouse Publish the default schema php artisan vendor:publish –tag=lighthouse-schema IDE Support php artisan lighthouse:ide-helper Install GraphQL DevTools […]