is it possible to filter the data by path and query string in the GraphQL for CloudFlare request?
from the CloudFlare API.
What I came up with looks like below:
viewer {
zones(filter: { zoneTag: "MY_ZONE_ID" }) {
limit: 10000
filter: {
datetime_geq: "2023-10-16T00:00:00Z"
datetime_lt: "2023-10-17T00:00:00Z"
clientRequestHTTPHost: ""
) {
sum {
I’ve used the schema given in, which says
clientRequestPath: "/my.file"
clientRequestQuery_like: "?my=query"
can be used, but the result is 0 when the above mentioned filters are used. The result is more than 0 when I remove the filters.
The files are accessed for sure, since I can see it from the CF Dashboard.
So I wonder, if filtering with query strings and path is really possible in GraphQL API?