0 So I am currently trying to get all publication channels I can publish products at and am a bit confused… The channels query is depricated: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2023-07/queries/channels The publications query should be fine as of the documentation: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2023-07/queries/publications But if I exec the query, i get a deprication error: // Query: query publications { publications(first: […]
0 I’m trying to paginate the relations through a parent pivot. A user has topics and a topic can have multiple users. Multiple users can be the owner of a topic. A topic has messages. class Topic extends Model { //Casts Fillables etc. public function user(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, ‘topic_users’, ‘topic_uuid’, ‘user_uuid’) ->withPivot([ ‘uuid’, […]
0 I am using graphQL in react native project. I am passing headers (cookie/authorization) in context object of query, in useMutation or useQuery. [Problem is only on iOS App] The basic system of the app is user signup the profile, and verify, on initial signup the property finishedAccountSetup: false is false. so when they log […]
1 I’m trying to use the GitHub GraphQL API to get all the additions made by a user (additions can be found from their commits). I’ve been able to get the additions from pull requests, but I haven’t found a way to do the same for commits. How can I get all the commits from […]
0 I have a React Form Component using Graphql & Apollo. I am trying to test this Form at Storybook but I got the following error message : Error: Cannot destructure property ‘MockedProvider’ of ‘context.parameters[PARAM_KEY]’ as it is undefined. here is my Preveiw.ts file content: import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react"; import { MockedProvider […]
0 I’ve developed a service application in Delphi that handles GraphQL queries. The primary function of this application is to fetch data from a Microsoft SQL database and supply it to a Magento webshop. The application works as expected for the most part. However, I occasionally encounter the following error: [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is […]
0 I’m trying to retrieve the price of the last sales of sorare cards for a particular player. I can’t find the right argement to pass to the query to do this. I’m also looking to see if it’s possible to retrieve indicators such as average card prices. I’ve managed to retrieve the price of […]
0 I am facing an issue in cors. We are not able to allow the Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Please let us know how to add the headers or how to handle the Cors issue. Below added my code snippet. const { ApolloServer } = require(‘@apollo/server’); const { startServerAndCreateHandler } = require(‘@as-integrations/azure-functions’); const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, […]
0 How to handle a dynamic query in the GraphQL without doing the changes specific to the query filters in the backend logic? Please let me know. I found the way to handle the same using the Mongoose Framework and REST API. rest mongoose graphql Share Improve this question Follow asked 3 hours ago Narra […]
0 I am using SpringBoot and Graphql for a module as well using OTEL. I need spanID and traceID in the logs of the application. trace_id: OTel trace trace id, must be present in every log record produced in request context. span_id: OTel trace span id, must be present in every log record produced in […]