
  • Ignoring method in my object with HotChocolate GraphQL

    0 I have a class that I expose with Hotchocolate and GraphQL. In this class I have some properties and a public method with the following signature : public Expression<Func<Parcelle, bool>> ToLambdaExpression() By default, Hot Chocolate picks up the public method and exposes them as fields in the graphql schema. I managed to ignore them […]

  • How To Config Apollo Sandbox for GraphQL in NestJS?

    1 I am trying to use Apollo Sandbox for GraphQL in NestJs since I had to upgrade to apollo/server from apollo-server-express. I added the configuration like described in the NestJS docs. I also checked the Apollo Docs. My setup is now like described here. Here is what I use: "@apollo/server": "^4.7.3", "@apollo/server-plugin-landing-page-graphql-playground": "^4.0.1", "@nestjs/apollo": "^11.0.6", […]

  • Take paired differences of pairs of rows

    7 Create a new variable that is the difference of two adjacent rows of ‘price’ variable in the data set, where the new variable is the squared difference. test <- data.frame(id = c(6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56), house = c(1, 5, 10, 23, 25, 27), price = c(79, 84, 36, 34, 21, 12)) where […]

  • Shopify GraphQL Query to retrieve UTM Parameters from Orders

    1 I’m quite new to GraphQL syntax so would love to see why I am getting null back as my result. What I am trying to is query orders in a store and retrieve back the UTM Params associated with that order. This is the query: query { orders(first:10) { edges { node { customerJourney […]

  • Regarding dynamic field selection in apollo srever

    0 i am using apollo GraphQL for backend and frontend . i want to do dynamic selection of fields which is selected by client . so with the help of info argument i get i created a function which give me selected fields by client based on that i fetched selected fields from db. here […]

  • how to find root spans with lots of children (N+1 queries) in datadog apm traces?

    0 I’ve noticed a few N+1 queries in our graphql app. The fix in each case is to add a dataloader to the first repeated query, but finding them is hard. I would like to find all requests that have this problem. The SQL query is in the resource column in apm. I would like […]

  • GraphQL Query For Cloudflare SQL query

    0 Any Cloudflare and GraphQL Expert here?? Struggling with converting below SQL query into GraphQL, any help would be appreciated. SELECT m.month_end_date as month_end_date –Account Details , c.account_pubname as account_name , m.user_id as account_id , z.zone_name as zone_name , z.zone_plan as zone_rate_plan –Requests , sum(m.cached_request_count) as monthly_cached_requests , sum(m.request_count) – sum(m.cached_request_count) as monthly_uncached_requests , sum(m.request_count) as monthly_requests –Data Transfer , sum(m.transferred_bytes)/1e9 as monthly_data_transfer_gb FROM `cloudflare-bi.ida.requests_monthly` m JOIN `cloudflare-bi.ida_base.customer` c ON m.user_id = c.account_id JOIN […]

  • Difficulty Filtering Nested GraphQL Fields in Shopify

    0 Problem: I’m facing challenges filtering results based on nested fields in a Shopify GraphQL query. GraphQL Query: { discountNodes(first: 100) { edges { node { id discount { … on DiscountAutomaticApp { appDiscountType { app { title } } } } } } } } Issue: The query retrieves a list of discounts, but […]

  • Why does async code mess up my dataloader in a graphql resolver?

    0 I have a dataloader that I’m using to batch requests to a service to get my user’s addresses. The loader doesn’t batch requests correctly when the parent resolver uses async code. Here’s a general idea of what my code looks like: // User.ts import Demographic from ‘./Demographic’ export type User { name: ‘User’, description: […]

  • GraphQL.Client not returning results, but server completes the request

    0 I am unable to retrieve the results of the GraphQL query response returned. The server logs that the request was finished with no error. But the program continues to wait for a response. In the code provided, the Debug.Print statement following the await graphQLHttpClient.SendQueryAsync is never reached. It just indefinitely hangs at this statement […]