GraphQL.Client not returning results, but server completes the request

GraphQL.Client not returning results, but server completes the request


I am unable to retrieve the results of the GraphQL query response returned. The server logs that the request was finished with no error. But the program continues to wait for a response. In the code provided, the Debug.Print statement following the await graphQLHttpClient.SendQueryAsync is never reached. It just indefinitely hangs at this statement and there is not timeout or error.

This code is executed in the ViewModel initializer.


using System.Diagnostics;
using GraphQL;
using GraphQL.Client.Http;
using GraphQL.Client.Serializer.Newtonsoft;

namespace peMove.Maui.LookupViewModels
    public class RootObject
        public Documents ErpDocuments { get; set; }

    public class Documents
        public getDocument[] Rows { get; set; }

    public class getDocument
        public string id1 { get; set; }
        public string id2 { get; set; }
        public string name { get; set; }

    public class Document
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public string TypeShort { get; set; }
        public decimal Onhand { get; set; }
        public string UofM { get; set; }
        public string Note { get; set; }
        public Color Color { get; set; }


    public class Onhand
        public Location[] Locations { get; set; }
        //public Location[] items { get; set; }  This will also work on the non-alias

    public class Location
        public string location { get; set; }
        public string bin { get; set; }
        public string lotsn { get; set; }
        public float onhand { get; set; }

    public class ViewModel_L
        public static Document erpDoc;

        static readonly string Url = "";    // ngrok public url
        private static GraphQLHttpClient graphQLHttpClient;
        private static string qlQuery = @"{ 
                            products(filter:{and: [{fac: {eq: ""Default""}}, {fpartno: {eq: ""WF201W""}}, {frev: {eq: ""000""}} ]})
                                parts : items {
                                    id1 : fpartno
                                    id2 : frev
                                    name : fdescript

        public static async Task RunAsync()

            var graphQLOptions = new GraphQLHttpClientOptions
                EndPoint = new Uri($"{Url}/graphql", UriKind.Absolute)

            var graphQLHttpClient = new GraphQLHttpClient(graphQLOptions, new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer());

            var productRequest = new GraphQLRequest { Query = qlQuery };

            getDocument[] docs = null;
                var graphQLResponse = await graphQLHttpClient.SendQueryAsync<RootObject>(productRequest);
                docs = graphQLResponse.Data.ErpDocuments.Rows;
            catch (Exception ex)

            if (docs !=null)
                foreach (var doc in docs)
                    erpDoc.Id = doc.id1 + ":" + doc.id2;
                    erpDoc.Name =;
                    erpDoc.Type = "Part";
                    erpDoc.TypeShort = erpDoc.Type[..1];      // First charater
                    erpDoc.Onhand = 0;
                    //erpDoc.Note = "UofM: " + doc.uofm + " Source: " + doc.source + " Purchased: " + doc.purchased + " Status: " + doc.status;
                    erpDoc.Color = MauiProgram.colorPart;
                Console.WriteLine("No matching Parts found in query.");

        public ViewModel_L()
            this.ErpDocument = erpDoc;

        public Document ErpDocument { get; set; }



  • you are creating a deadlock by calling an async method in the constructor.

    – Jason

    1 hour ago

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