0 I implement the data loader return object. so I need to put this object in another data loader child . can you help me to understand how to propagate data from the parent to child data loader ? graphql netflix-dgs Share Improve this question Follow asked 56 mins ago BRAIEK AYEMNBRAIEK AYEMN 8911 silver […]
-1 In my project I have some .gql files: src/components/mycomponent/MyComponent.gql import { gql } from ‘@apollo/client’; export default gql` query MyQuery { myQuery { test } } ` In my VS Code settings file I added: // .vscode/settings.json { "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", "astro", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "gql" ], // rest of the config } In […]
7 I’m using the newer version of apollo server V4, I need assistance on how to upload images or videos from Frontend to cloudinary and save the url to MongoDB database… please help 🙏 I have read through Apollo docs but there are no answers there… I’m kind of stuck now reactjs express graphql apollo-server […]
-1 I am trying to setup GraphQL Code Generator. But I get this error: gql-gen –config codegen.ts ✔ Parse Configuration ⚠ Generate outputs ❯ Generate to src/graphql/generated/schema.ts ✔ Load GraphQL schemas ✔ Load GraphQL documents ✖ Unable to load template plugin matching ‘typescript-common’. Reason: Body must be a string. Received: undefined. ELIFECYCLE Command failed with […]
0 I’m working on a graphql server and there is one subscription API. This is the starter code I found on gqlgen documentation: // CurrentTime is the resolver for the currentTime field. func (r *subscriptionResolver) CurrentTime(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *model.Time, error) { // First you’ll need to `make()` your channel. Use your type here! ch := […]
0 I want to test receiving multiple events for GraphQl subscription. For this I tried to use the following code: StepVerifier stepVerifier = StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectSubscription() .expectNext(expectingEvent1) .expectNext(expectingEvent2) .thenCancel() .verifyLater(); graphQlService.sendEvent(sendingEvent1); graphQlService.sendEvent(sendingEvent2); stepVerifier.verify(); Method sendEvent contains the following logic: fluxSinks.forEach(fluxSink -> fluxSink.next(response)); But it seems that in this test only the first event is sent, judging […]
0 I’m trying to merge two separate graphql schemas one which is provided by my CMS endpoint and a local schema for additional typehinting (my CMS schema isn’t precise enough). Is there a way to configure the merge order in the graphql codegen config? I’ve been able to merge both schemas and handle the override […]
0 I am very new to hydrogen / react in general. I am playing around with hydrogen 2 and the base app they install when setting up a site. Playing around with the ($locale).products.$handle.jsx file I have created an extension to the product query which grabs a few new meta fields. I then import that […]
14 So I have a serverless express application running in a Lambda. One request (response size around 800KB) keeps returning a LAMBDA_RUNTIME Failed to post handler success response. Http response code: 413. error. I thought it could be due to some internal logic timing out, and added logs, and all the fetch and processing takes […]