Tag: nuxt.js
How to design the workflow with Strapi / GraphQL / Nuxt 3 without Introspection
0 Sorry for the silly question, I’m new to all this and this is my last resort… I haven’t received any answers on Discords and the like. I want to set up a Strapi CMS with GraphQL for a Nuxt 3 frontend. I’ve successfully hosted this on DigitalOcean – the connection is established correctly and…
Strapi 4 and NuxtJS: Unable to connect via GraphQL (ECONNREFUSED)
2 I am building a small blog application using NuxtJS, Strapi 4 (and GraphQL) and apollo. To do that, i followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDkoV-8krcA The problem is for some reason NuxtJS is unable to connect to Strapi. I get the following error message: Network error: request to https://localhost:1337/graphql failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:1337 Strapi is…
How can I access the data I fetched with graphql?
0 So I have Nuxt 3, and Strapi with graphql. I want to get the data from Strapi via Graphql This works for the full data: <template> <div> <p> {{ data }}</p> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> const query = gql` query headerPicMediaUrl { productsMedias{ data{ id attributes{ HeaderPic1{data{attributes{url}}} } } } } ` const…
Can’t access value from apollo response with Vue/Nuxt
0 I have an apollo request which returns some data, but no matter what I do I can’t access the value and at this point I’m all out of ideas, maybe I’m missing something obvious, here’s the request : mutation MyMutation($jwtRefreshToken: String = "") { refreshJwtAuthToken(input: {jwtRefreshToken: $jwtRefreshToken, clientMutationId: "uniqueId"}) { authToken } } JS…
Cannot access to data in title from Strapi with GraphQL and Nuxt.js
0 I have a project with Nuxt, GraphQL and Strapi. I cannot access to a article.data.attributes.title, but I can access to article.data.attributes. I have the error message : undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘_vm.article.data.attributes.title’). Weirdly, when I am updating from article.data.attributes to article.data.attributes.title, it is working, but just when I refresh the page, the…