Tag: nodes

  • I am getting a required error using graphql tools

    I am getting a required error using graphql tools

    3 I am building a gql server application using apollo server. When I try to load my .graphql files using import { loadFilesSync } from ‘@graphql-tools/load-files’, this works very well, but when I load my resolver files, i get an error node:internal/errors:464 ErrorCaptureStackTrace(err); ^ Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /userpath/index.js from /userpath/server-gql/noop.js not supported.…

  • Apollo GraphQL Server + TypeScript

    Apollo GraphQL Server + TypeScript

    17 I’ve been working on a project lately, which has node.js + express + typescript + Apollo server stack. And while researching on Apollo client, I’ve stumbled upon TypeScript section. But nothing like that was for server, which leaves me to freedom of choice in this case. So the question is: are there any best…