Tag: graphql
how to find root spans with lots of children (N+1 queries) in datadog apm traces?
0 I’ve noticed a few N+1 queries in our graphql app. The fix in each case is to add a dataloader to the first repeated query, but finding them is hard. I would like to find all requests that have this problem. The SQL query is in the resource column in apm. I would like…
GraphQL Query For Cloudflare SQL query
0 Any Cloudflare and GraphQL Expert here?? Struggling with converting below SQL query into GraphQL, any help would be appreciated. SELECT m.month_end_date as month_end_date –Account Details , c.account_pubname as account_name , m.user_id as account_id , z.zone_name as zone_name , z.zone_plan as zone_rate_plan –Requests , sum(m.cached_request_count) as monthly_cached_requests , sum(m.request_count) – sum(m.cached_request_count) as monthly_uncached_requests , sum(m.request_count) as monthly_requests –Data Transfer , sum(m.transferred_bytes)/1e9 as monthly_data_transfer_gb FROM `cloudflare-bi.ida.requests_monthly` m JOIN `cloudflare-bi.ida_base.customer` c ON m.user_id = c.account_id JOIN…
Difficulty Filtering Nested GraphQL Fields in Shopify
0 Problem: I’m facing challenges filtering results based on nested fields in a Shopify GraphQL query. GraphQL Query: { discountNodes(first: 100) { edges { node { id discount { … on DiscountAutomaticApp { appDiscountType { app { title } } } } } } } } Issue: The query retrieves a list of discounts, but…
Why does async code mess up my dataloader in a graphql resolver?
0 I have a dataloader that I’m using to batch requests to a service to get my user’s addresses. The loader doesn’t batch requests correctly when the parent resolver uses async code. Here’s a general idea of what my code looks like: // User.ts import Demographic from ‘./Demographic’ export type User { name: ‘User’, description:…
GraphQL.Client not returning results, but server completes the request
0 I am unable to retrieve the results of the GraphQL query response returned. The server logs that the request was finished with no error. But the program continues to wait for a response. In the code provided, the Debug.Print statement following the await graphQLHttpClient.SendQueryAsync is never reached. It just indefinitely hangs at this statement…
How to setup a GraphQL SataSource in JasperReport Server CP 7.5.0?
0 As the title suggests, I would like to use a GraphQL DataSource in my jasper report server to create reports with the RESTv2 services made available by the server itself. I can’t find any documentation or tutorials of any kind on how to configure this GraphQL DataSource. On jaspersoft.com there is only this written…
can’t set members array in mongodb with prisma
0 I use Prisma, apollo-graphql, and Mongoose to create chat applications but I have this problem, MongoDB gets only _id when I try to create a chat. Prisma Schema: generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" } datasource db { provider = "mongodb" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } model User { id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId…
POST body not visible in OpenAPI for GraphQL route
-1 I have a FastAPI app with Strawberry for GraphQL. This is a minimal, workable example: main.py: import strawberry from fastapi import FastAPI from strawberry.fastapi import GraphQLRouter @strawberry.type class User: name: str age: int @strawberry.type class Query: @strawberry.field def user(self) -> User: return User(name="Patrick", age=100) schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query) graphql_app = GraphQLRouter(schema) app = FastAPI() app.include_router(graphql_app,…
How to watch ts,js,graphql extensions in ts-node-dev?
0 I am trying to run the node server by ts-node-dev and restart on any any changes in specific files. It is restarting on any changes made to ts,js files however, it is not restarting on changes to graphql files. Any suggestions? "scripts": { "start": "tsnd –transpile-only –rs ./src/microservices/index.ts –watch–extionsions ts,js,graphql" } node.js graphql ts-node…
Can not acces backend in graphql spring boot application
0 Im working on a simple coding challenge that needs to createe a graphql application and save some objects (team,players,competitions and coach). I´ve never used graphql before so iim relying on sove tutorials on the web like: https://www.bezkoder.com/spring-boot-graphql-mysql-jpa/ and https://medium.com/@memredemir/creating-a-graphql-mysql-and-spring-boot-backend-service-32cec95f4436. For some reason i cant acces the backend for debug: This is my schema wiith…