POST body not visible in OpenAPI for GraphQL route

POST body not visible in OpenAPI for GraphQL route


I have a FastAPI app with Strawberry for GraphQL. This is a minimal, workable example:

import strawberry
from fastapi import FastAPI
from strawberry.fastapi import GraphQLRouter

class User:
    name: str
    age: int

class Query:
    def user(self) -> User:
        return User(name="Patrick", age=100)

schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)
graphql_app = GraphQLRouter(schema)

app = FastAPI()
app.include_router(graphql_app, prefix="/graphql")

And these are the dependencies (with python 3.11.2):


This example is a modified version of the FastAPI docs for GraphQL, and it uses the GraphQLRouter as recommended by the strawberry docs.

When I run this via uvicorn main:app --reload, I see the GraphQL related entries in the OpenAPI page, but I do not see space to enter params or body for GET or POST requests in

POST body not visible in OpenAPI for GraphQL route

The /graphql endpoint works well, and I get a strawberry-graphql console to enter my queries and also get the result.

Is there a way to have this in the OpenAPI docs page as well?


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