Tag: pagination

  • Unknown argument “hasNextPage” on field “pageInfo” GraphQL

    Unknown argument “hasNextPage” on field “pageInfo” GraphQL

    0 How to implement pagination for graphQL Query? I keep receiving: "message": "Unknown argument "hasNextPage" on field "pageInfo" of type "Core_EventPeopleConnection"." query myquery($viewId: ID!,$hasNextPage: Boolean!, $endCursor: String!){ Core_eventPeopleListView(viewId: $viewId){ id people{ pageInfo(hasNextPage: true,endCursor: $endCursor){ hasNextPage endCursor } nodes{ firstName lastName jobTitle organization websiteUrl } } } } Variables: { "viewId":"RXZlbnRWaWV3XzMyMTY1Mw==", "endCursor": "WyJhZ2Fyd2FsIiwic2hydXRpIiwiUlhabGJuUlFaVzl3YkdWZk1UVXhPREkzTlRVPSJd", "hasNextPage": true }…

  • How to efficiently paginate data in a React application using GraphQL and TypeScript?

    How to efficiently paginate data in a React application using GraphQL and TypeScript?

    0 I’m building a React application with TypeScript where I fetch data from a GraphQL server. I’ve been trying to implement pagination for my data, but I’m facing some challenges in ensuring that the data is fetched efficiently and the user experience remains smooth. Current Approach: I’m using Apollo Client for fetching data. Here’s a…

  • How can I paginate in supabase/GraphQL?

    How can I paginate in supabase/GraphQL?

    0 When I have a query: { postsCollection(first: 10) { pageInfo { hasNextPage, hasPreviousPage, startCursor, endCursor } edges { cursor node { id title } } } } I return only the next and previous cursors. I need to know how many pages there are in total. Furthermore, how can I navigate to an arbitrary…

  • Graphql pagination

    Graphql pagination

    0 How to create pagination in supabase with graphql. When I have query: { postsCollection(first: 10) { pageInfo { hasNextPage, hasPreviousPage, startCursor, endCursor } edges { cursor node { id title } } } } I return olny coursor next and previus and I don’t know how many page is in pagination and next whan…