
  • GraphQL disposed DataContext

    0 When trying GraphQL in the Playground, I get the following error: Cannot access a disposed context instance. A common cause of this error is disposing a context instance that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are […]

  • vendure-auth-token in next js

    0 As I am using vendure graphql in my next js project and I am using apolloClient for query and mutation , I am facing an problem while loging in My client code import { HttpLink } from "@apollo/client"; import { NextSSRInMemoryCache, NextSSRApolloClient, } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr"; import { registerApolloClient } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/rsc"; const { BACKEND_URL […]

  • Cannot find the URL to my Strapi Media Library

    0 So, I hosted my strapi app on Cloudinary and Render. So there is a rich text input in my strapi backend. When i fetch the data using graphql, the images are sent out as URLs ofc. So when i host strapi in my localhost, the url is this, https://localhost:1337/uploads/Expressjs_706596c597.png. But when my app is […]

  • System.Text.Json Deserialize doesn’t work for a GraphQL response

    0 I am working on a .NET 6 application using GraphQL and System.Text.Json. For the a shared util function: public async Task<GraphQlResponse<T>> Query<T>(string mutation, IQueryInput variables = null) { var content = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { query = mutation, variables = (object) variables }); var request = new HttpRequestMessage { Method = HttpMethod.Post, RequestUri = new Uri(baseUrl), […]

  • GraphQL mutate operation failed. NonRetryableException{message=OkHttp client request failed., cause=null, recoverySuggestion=Irrecoverable error}

    2 Graphql mutation operation fails in android but works in AppSync console Error: GraphQL mutate operation failed E/amplify:flutter:api( 4899): NonRetryableException{message=OkHttp client request failed., cause=null, recoverySuggestion=Irrecoverable error} E/amplify:flutter:api( 4899): at$OkHttpCallback.onResponse( E/amplify:flutter:api( 4899): at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall$ E/amplify:flutter:api( 4899): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( E/amplify:flutter:api( 4899): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ E/amplify:flutter:api( 4899): at W/AtomicResult(mutate)( 4899): Attempted to send success value after initial […]

  • Why are `1…2` and `1….2` not syntax errors?

    6 use 5.016; use warnings "all"; use Data::Dumper; my @abc = (1, 2, 3); my @bbb = @abc[1..2]; my @ccc = @abc[1…2]; my @ddd = @abc[1….2]; say Dumper "@bbb"; # output: ‘2 3’ say Dumper "@ccc"; # output: ‘2 3’ say Dumper "@ddd"; # output: ” Why is there no syntax error in code above? […]

  • All GraphQL SDL schema fields shown as depreciated in GraphQL-Voyager regardless if they actually are

    0 I’m trying to check my GraphQL Schema created in SDL using "GraphQL-Voyager", but it always shows all fields are "DEPRECATED" even when none of them are declared as deprecated. For an example, the following simple schema would encounter the issue: schema { query: Query } type Query { get_CONTACTS( id: ID! ): CONTACTS } […]

  • Do I need to close client stub after every request?

    0 I am using dgraph-js and have an app.ts file which holds all the services variables such like the client stub export const dgraphStub = dgraph.clientStubFromCloudEndpoint( process.env.DGRAPH_URI!, process.env.DGRAPH_KEY! ); export const dgraphClient = new dgraph.DgraphClient(dgraphStub); dgraphClient.setDebugMode(true); Now when I do something in dgraph like below async function GetComment(commentId: string): Promise<IComment> { const txn = dgraphClient.newTxn({ […]

  • Facebook groupsApi & group_access_member_info problem

    0 I have a public Facebook group and I am trying to get the posts and the author of the post via graphql. My app has been approved by Facebook and I have installed it in my group. Also, it is live My problem is that when I send a get request I can see […]

  • TypeError: graphql.e is not a function

    0 enter image description here I’m trying to add wallet connect provider to my project but after so many tries stuck at one of this error which is not getting by me. Project’s discription: node version: 14.18.3 next: 9 typescript: 5 webpack: 4 I have custom webpack also where i added more loaders. below code […]