
  • Shopify GraphQL Mutation Doesn’t Work In CURL Or Postman But Does With GraphiQL App

    0 When I’m using the following mutation in GraphiQL App it works perfectly but when I run it using Postman or CURL it just doesn’t work. This issue is happening for Function related mutations only. The Mutation: mutation { discountAutomaticAppCreate( automaticAppDiscount: { title: "Volume Discount Created from APP 011", functionId: "9d8aas8-78asd-8d7sa-86f0-dg789asdfa9sd", startsAt: "2023-09-19T00:00:00"} ) { […]

  • Django Graphql Auth mutations failing with error unexpected keyword argument ‘refresh_token’

    0 In my project I am using below libraries for django graphql authentication, django-graphql-jwt django-graphql-auth PyJWT I am running below mutation and some other similar mutations. mutation Register { register( email: "[email protected]" password1: "Abcd@2023" password2: "Abcd@2023" ) { success errors refreshToken token } } From yesterday suddenly all mutations started failing with error, { "errors": […]

  • type-graphql doesn’t work when passing argument

    0 I’m developing an API using apollo-server and type-graphql, but when I try to send an Input througth a Query or a Mutation arguments I don’t know what is happenning but I cannot get the data UserResolver.ts import { Arg, Query, Resolver } from ‘type-graphql’ import { UserModel } from ‘../dtos/models/UserModel’ import { CreateUserInput } […]

  • Is there a possibility when calling .ToUpper() that the new string requires more memory?

    9 I want to use the the following function in the MemoryExtensions namespace public static int ToUpper(this ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<char> destination, CultureInfo? culture) My question now is: am I always safe when destination Span has the length of the source span? e.g. destination = stackalloc char[source.Length]; If no, can someone provide an example which string […]

  • How to get only selected fields on graphql using javascript

    -1 I need a basic query to take all users from graphql but only with selected fields such as email, name etc. I couldn’t figure out how it works, aws doc gives example about filtering but it uses id to filter. export const getUsers = async () => { try { const { data } […]

  • Voyager showing non deprecated fields as deprecated

    0 Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right place or audience to post this. I tried the github voyager repo discussion, but I did not get any feedback there. Our team members noticed that lately when we run a query on voyager we are seeing deprecate fields for fields […]

  • Typescript and Graphql Fragments

    0 I use codegen to generate TS types and I use Apollo client to send queries to server. when I generate code for the following example, Typescript dosen’t know that people has firstName and lastName fields, It only knows that avatar field exists. If I remove fragment and move fields directly to query all fields […]

  • Gatsby Image data not coming through

    0 I’m getting image data from WP passed into Gatsby. I want to use Gatsby Image to improve performance. Here’s my GraphQL query: But then when i console that data, I just get sourceUrl and altText. I’m trying to pass my image from line 11 into the GatsbyImage component on line 22, but it’s not […]

  • HotChocolate v13 GraphQL: how to get rid of “Input” suffix?

    0 I’m building GraphQL API with C# and HotChocolate. The library adds "Input" suffix to type names which used as input arguments. I want to get rid of this behavior. And no, we’re not going to discuss why do I want this, and why it is a good practice (even if you really want to, […]

  • .Net Core and GraphQL running query

    0 This graphQL query runs in Postman, but is not returning data in my program. Any ideas? public static async Task RunAsync() { // Update port # in the following line. client.BaseAddress = new Uri(ServerUrl); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // GET: Get data from Server var productRequest = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @"{ products […]