Tag: wp-graphql
Unable to connect to WPGraphQL
0 I am new to building with Gatsby and wordpress. when i run "gatsby develop", i get this error on my command line "Unable to connect to WPGraphQL, Either WPGraphQL is not active or there are some WordPress PHP filters in your site which are adding additional output to the GraphQL response. These may have…
Get all the related posts except the current post using WPGraphQl in reactjs
2 I’m trying to grab the related posts except the current post using WPGraphQL. My thought is to exclude the ID of the current post and display all related blog posts within the category. I’m new to GraphQL, I don’t know how to figure out to solve it. is this possible in GraphQL? Please help…
Gatsby Image data not coming through
0 I’m getting image data from WP passed into Gatsby. I want to use Gatsby Image to improve performance. Here’s my GraphQL query: But then when i console that data, I just get sourceUrl and altText. I’m trying to pass my image from line 11 into the GatsbyImage component on line 22, but it’s not…