
  • Prisma Appsync generator not working when run the npm run deploy command

    0 I’m using local mode successfully, but trying to deploy, I can’t complete the command npm run deploy. cdk synth never complete the step: RUN npm install –global [email protected] Step by step I’m test with nodejs versions 16 & 18     "aws-cdk": "2.99.1",     "aws-cdk-lib": "2.99.1" I’m testing default tutorial from Anyone can […]

  • Complex type in Netflix dgs entityfetcher

    0 I have defined Subgraphs to fetch data from multiple sources type MyResult{ id: ID innerResults: [InnerResult] @external otherResults: [OtherResult] @requires(fields: "innerResults") } DgsEntityFetcher looks like below @DgsEntityFetcher(name = DgsConstants.MYRESULT.TYPE_NAME) public DataFetcherResult<MyResult> getResults(Map<String, Object> values) { values.forEach((k,val) -> log.warn("key {} value{}",k,val)); return DataFetcherResult.<MyResult>newResult() .data(PlacedDeviceResult.newBuilder().Id((String)values.get("id")).innerResults((List<InnerResult>) values.get("innerResults")).build()) .build(); } But this is not working giving exception java.util.LinkedHashMap […]

  • Whitehat SEO for

    Hi I have just verified your SEO on for the ranking keywords and saw that your website could use a boost. We will enhance your ranks organically and safely, using only state of the art AI and whitehat methods, while providing monthly reports and outstanding support. More info: Unbeatable SEO Regards Mike Fitzgerald Digital […]

  • http-proxy-middleware and graphql

    0 I have a simple graphql-server: const typeDefs = gql` type Message { id: ID! text: String! } type Query { getMessage: Message } `; const resolvers = { Query: { getMessage: () => { return { id: ‘1’, text: ‘Hello, World!’ }; } } }; async function startServer() { const server = new ApolloServer({ […]

  • Graphql: “message”: “ID cannot represent value: 5a72240cf31713598588b70f”

    7 I use moongose for work with mongodb on nodejs based app. Currently, I try to implement Grapqhl based API. My query graphql schema looks like: const schema = buildSchema(` type Query { predictionModels(active: Boolean): [PredictionModel] }, type PredictionModel { _id: ID title: String active: Boolean } `) but when I use: query { predictionModels(active: […]

  • Gunicorn flask application throw mysql database connection timed out

    0 I have a python flask application, where we upload a csv file and creating a graphql endpoint based on csv file header names. in order to retrieve the data, we are sending post request to graphql endpoint with a graphql query to retrieve the data. My python flask application is running with gunicorn server […]

  • How do I implement GraphQL subscription in ASP.NET Core Web API using library?

    0 I’m currently working with GraphQL version 7.6.1, graphql.server.transport.websockets version 4.4.1, and graphql.server.transport.aspnetcore version 7.6.0, and I’m struggling to find up-to-date documentation or examples for adding subscriptions to my ASP.NET Core Web API. I attempted to implement subscriptions based on older examples, but due to changes in syntax and other aspects, I’m encountering errors that […]

  • Error Configuring GraphQL Subscriptions in ASP.NET Core

    1 I am encountering an issue while configuring GraphQL subscriptions in my ASP.NET Core web api. I have followed the documentation and examples, but I’m receiving an error that I can’t seem to resolve. app.UseWebSockets(); app.UseGraphQLWebSockets<GraphQLSchema>("/graphql"); app.UseGraphQL<GraphQLSchema>(); Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0012 The type ‘ISchema’ is defined in an assembly […]

  • How to define type for object in graphql schema?

    -2 I have todo’s mongo schema like this: const todoSchema = new Schema( { userId: { type: String, required: true }, title: { type: String, required: true }, due_date: { date: { type: Number }, month: { type: Number }, year: { type: Number }, hours: { type: Number }, minute: { type: Number }, […]

  • Why is a stray semicolon no longer detected by `-pedantic` modern compilers?

    6 The following snippet generates compilation errors on adding -pedantic and -Werror on compilers that are a bit old. #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> int add(int a, int b){ return a + b; }; // <– stray semicolon int main (){ return 0; } However this does not happen newer compiler versions. Please find a matrix […]