0 Trying figure out, while generating GQL schema, why if :float data in source var square_plot exists (say 50), there is no ERR but if it is NIL the code generates error while i converting value so sqft with such code: may be it seems no validation passes CODE field(:square_plot, :float) // my var is […]
1 with a simple schema like this: type Ticket @model{ id: ID! @primaryKey title: String! description: String! state: State @default(value: "new") priority: Priority } enum Priority { low medium high emergency } enum State { new pending closed waiting suspended } How can I filter my query in order to get the tickets that have […]
25 So I am migrating to apollo-server-express 2.3.3 ( I was using 1.3.6 ) I’ve followed several guides, making the necessary tweaks but am stuck in a CORS issue. According to the docs you have to use the applyMiddleware function to wire up the apollo server with express. I am currently doing the following: const […]
-1 i need your help. does someone here know what api which using by instagram mobile apps instagram? the assumption is i make my own crawler plugin for instagram hashtag and post by api i got from web inspect element and instagram graphql such as https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/${hashtagName}/ and https://www.instagram.com/api/v1/tags/web_info/?tag_name=${hashtagName}, but the hashtag isn’t complete, only get […]
9 I want to find indices of all matches of a vector x in another lookup vector table. table = rep(1:5, each=3) x = c(2, 5, 2, 6) Standard base R methods don’t quite give me what I want. For example using which(table %in% x) we only get the matching indices once, even though 2 […]
0 If I have a federated GraphQL solution, where each subgraph has ownership over their own schema and resolvers, would I be able to use GraphQL introspection to query the shape of the data across all the schema? Or am I restricted to introspection on one subgraph at a time. Tried looking for more information […]
2 Is it possible any input extend other input on graphql schema? example below: input PaginationInput{ pageSize: Int pageNum: Int } # // example for extending input Pagination input MyFilterInput implement_or_extend PaginationInput { attr1: String } type Query { usingMyFilter(filter: MyFilterInput): Any } Is there any way to do this? graphql typegraphql Share Improve this […]
19 Hy I am working in a project with Apollo GraphQL method and its working fine. But now the client required for adding additional header with Apollo API’s. But after adding the header the API’s response return as unAuthorized. I am adding the header as, let apolloAuth: ApolloClient = { let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default // […]
0 I have an Angular application which is using Apollo Client for querying a GraphQL Server from a NestJS application. This NestJS application is executing a request through Axios to an external Backend. How could be passed the client header set in all the GraphQL requests to the backend request through Axios? Apollo Client GraphQL […]
0 //MovieList function Defination private fun getMovieList(): GraphQLRequest<MovieDBFinal2> { val document = ("query getMovieList { " + "listMovieDBFinal2s(limit: 1000, filter: {Genre1: {eq: "Animation"}}) { " + "nextToken " + "items { " + "IMDB_title " + "} " + "} " + "} ") return SimpleGraphQLRequest( document, Collections.emptyMap(), TypeMaker.getParameterizedType(QueryResponse::class.java, MovieDBFinal2::class.java), GsonVariablesSerializer()) } internal class QueryResponse<T> […]