1 I am struggling to figure out why I’m not able to successfully upload images to the Files section of my Shopify store. I followed this code here, except mine is a Python version of this: https://gist.github.com/celsowhite/2e890966620bc781829b5be442bea159 import requests import os # Set up Shopify API credentials shopify_store = ‘url-goes-here.myshopify.com’ // the actual URL is […]
49 I’m implementing a graphql solution using python, graphene and django and I’m getting the following import error: Result: Failure Exception: ImportError: cannot import name ‘force_text’ from ‘django.utils.encoding’ "/home/site/wwwroot/.python_packages/lib/site-packages/graphene_django/utils/utils.py", line 6, in <module> from django.utils.encoding import force_text I’m not sure about the versions and whether I need to import an additional module. My requirements.txt is […]
7 (My original question was going to be about "What happened to _BitInt?" but that was based on a misreading of some cppreference pages). The Library Introduction section 16.2 of the C++23 Draft Standard says that the C Standard library is supported in C++. The only reference to a specific C standard, however, is in […]
0 GraphQL query runs just fine when I run it in a C# console app. Using the exact same GraphQL Client, similar code and properties it hangs when I try to run it from a ViewModel initializer in Maui. An exception is thrown: "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: ‘Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.’" If […]
0 I am working on a graphql API using Helidon MP and looking to confirm that directives @ stream and @defer supportable? GraphQL documentation link for reference: https://graphql.org/blog/2020-12-08-improving-latency-with-defer-and-stream-directives/ we tried GraphQL @stream and @defer annotation but its not working. We could make it work in Apollo server. graphql stream java-stream graphql-java helidon Share Follow asked […]
0 I am implementing a React Typescript app that communicates to a Kotlin backend using GraphQL (Apollo on the Frontend). My mutation is : updateProfile(input: UpdateProfileInput) input UpdateProfileInput { firstName: String lastName: String email: String } I am supposed to send as an input only the fields that have been changed. So I should not […]
0 I am implementing a simple solution that allows the user to select a file (any type of image). Once selected, the user clicks on "Upload Image," and the API call is triggered. I am receiving a status 200 in response, but when I check the Shopify Files directory in the admin panel, it shows […]
10 Consider the following example (Godbolt): #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <ranges> #include <algorithm> struct A { A() {} A( const A& ) { std::cout << "Copyn"; } A( A&& ) noexcept { std::cout << "Moven"; } A& operator=(const A&) { std::cout << "Copy assignedn"; return *this; } A& operator=( A&& ) noexcept { std::cout […]
2 I’m trying to get hold of gitlab_schema.graphql, i.e. the schema for Gitlab’s graphql API. Can’t find it anywhere, does anyone have any pointers? graphql gitlab Share Follow asked Sep 16, 2021 at 16:58 Fredrik JanssonFredrik Jansson 3,78433 gold badges3030 silver badges3333 bronze badges 5 Answers 5 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) […]