
  • Query Error: error returned from database: relation “adverts” does not exist

    0 so i have 2 entities in my database use async_graphql::{self, SimpleObject}; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, SimpleObject)] #[sea_orm(table_name = "adverts")] #[graphql(name = "Advert")] pub struct Model { #[sea_orm(primary_key)] pub id: i32, pub created_at: NaiveDateTime, pub updated_at: NaiveDateTime, pub available: bool, pub price: f32, pub location: String, pub user_id: i32, // pub […]

  • Enum values casting not retained in Apollo graphQL java code generation

    0 I have defined following enum type in my graphql schema enum TimeUnit { Day Week Month Year } I am using apollo graphql client and generating models which create a java enum like: public enum TimeUnit { DAY("Day"), WEEK("Week"), MONTH("Month"), YEAR("Year"), /** * Auto generated constant for unknown enum values */ $UNKNOWN("$UNKNOWN"); private final […]

  • Fetch Braintree enabled Payment Methods with GraphQL

    0 I am trying to fetch all the Payment Methods enabled on a Braintree account using GraphQL but unable to. Query: query ClientConfiguration { clientConfiguration { analyticsUrl assetsUrl clientApiUrl environment merchantId } } Response: { "errors": [ { "message": "The requested field is not accessible with the provided authentication credentials.", "locations": [ { "line": 4, […]

  • GraphQL uses REST query which has an array as JSON response does not work

    0 I’m trying to query another system with a GraphQL query. Due to the system only takes REST queries I use the @rest operator to convert the query. But the REST query has an array as response which leads to the following error: {"name":"ApolloError","graphQLErrors":[],"clientErrors":[],"networkError":{},"message":"typename is undefined"} GraphQL query: const QueueStatusQuery = gql` query checkQueueStatus_HLS{ robot(input:{}) […]

  • How to handle security (authn/authz) with DGS Subscriptions and spring security?

    0 I’m mirroring a question asked directly on GitHub here. I’m up to the point where if I authorize("/subscriptions",permitAll) while configuring my SecurityWebFilterChain then I can successfully use my subscription queries. However, that removes all the security. I would have liked to do: authorize("/subscriptions",hasAuthority("access")) Anyway, now I need to make sur that the user is […]

  • How can I access the data I fetched with graphql?

    0 So I have Nuxt 3, and Strapi with graphql. I want to get the data from Strapi via Graphql This works for the full data: <template> <div> <p> {{ data }}</p> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> const query = gql` query headerPicMediaUrl { productsMedias{ data{ id attributes{ HeaderPic1{data{attributes{url}}} } } } } ` const […]

  • Apollo client send cookie with request

    0 I configured my apollo client to send cookies in every request: apollo: { clients: { default: { httpLinkOptions: { credentials: ‘include’, }, httpEndpoint: `${process.env.NUXT_ENV_GRAPH_URL}`, }, }, }, My app is holding following cookies: Now when I perform mutation to graphql I see that none of above cookies is sent instead it creates some new […]

  • Shopify GraphQL Mutation Doesn’t Work In CURL Or Postman But Does With GraphiQL App

    0 When I’m using the following mutation in GraphiQL App it works perfectly but when I run it using Postman or CURL it just doesn’t work. This issue is happening for Function related mutations only. The Mutation: mutation { discountAutomaticAppCreate( automaticAppDiscount: { title: "Volume Discount Created from APP 011", functionId: "9d8aas8-78asd-8d7sa-86f0-dg789asdfa9sd", startsAt: "2023-09-19T00:00:00"} ) { […]

  • Django Graphql Auth mutations failing with error unexpected keyword argument ‘refresh_token’

    0 In my project I am using below libraries for django graphql authentication, django-graphql-jwt django-graphql-auth PyJWT I am running below mutation and some other similar mutations. mutation Register { register( email: "[email protected]" password1: "Abcd@2023" password2: "Abcd@2023" ) { success errors refreshToken token } } From yesterday suddenly all mutations started failing with error, { "errors": […]

  • type-graphql doesn’t work when passing argument

    0 I’m developing an API using apollo-server and type-graphql, but when I try to send an Input througth a Query or a Mutation arguments I don’t know what is happenning but I cannot get the data UserResolver.ts import { Arg, Query, Resolver } from ‘type-graphql’ import { UserModel } from ‘../dtos/models/UserModel’ import { CreateUserInput } […]