
  • Salesforce Graphql query to fetch list view records

    0 I need to fetch the records of a selected list view. I found the uiapi. Anyone knows the related graphql query? listview graphql salesforce Share Improve this question Follow asked 56 mins ago keetzkeetz 3199 bronze badges Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions 0 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest […]

  • GraphQLError: Query root type must be provided

    37 I’m using NestJS, TypeORM and GraphQL for my backend API. I’m getting the following error: GraphQLError [Object]: Query root type must be provided. at SchemaValidationContext.reportError (/home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/graphql/type/validate.js:88:19) at validateRootTypes (/home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/graphql/type/validate.js:107:13) at validateSchema (/home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/graphql/type/validate.js:52:3) at graphqlImpl (/home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/graphql/graphql.js:79:62) at /home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/graphql/graphql.js:28:59 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Object.graphql (/home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/graphql/graphql.js:26:10) at GraphQLSchemaFactory.<anonymous> (/home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/schema-builder/graphql-schema.factory.js:49:52) at (<anonymous>) at /home/wise-introvert/Container/Projects/the-notebook/app/server/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:114:75 This is […]

  • Apollo server 4 with or without express : standaloneServer vs expressMiddleware

    0 I am new to graphql and I would like to build my first API, using mongoose and MongoDB. So far, I’ve built some API’s using Express, mongoose and MongoDB (in MERN apps). I’d like to use Apollo/server , and I realise there are two options to build a server, using startStandaloneServer , therefore not […]

  • GraphQL throws error of non-nullable field on a nullable field

    0 I’ve the following schema type Employee { id: UUID! createdAt: Time! updatedAt: Time! lastActivity: Activity } type Activity { id: UUID! createdAt: Time! updatedAt: Time! } extend type Query { Myself: Employee! } The lastActivity may or may not be present of course, but when querying it from my client it throws the following […]

  • Attempted to call the default export of C:UsersTeyllayDesktopss.lvfrontendsrcappapollo.ts from the server but it’s on the client

    0 so problem is i want to query user info when entering user page like website/user/1 but when i want enter page i’m getting error, i think it’s from apollo, so is there a way to fix this? what i did wrong? apollo.ts: "use client"; import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client"; const createApolloClient = […]

  • Hasura graphql optional generated variable

    0 how can I attach a variable to a mutation conditionally? I want to create an upsert mutation where the id is generated by the database. So, if the $id variable was set, make an update, otherwise, a creation. I have tried something like this: mutation upsert ( $id: uuid $name: String ) { insert_data_one( […]

  • GraphQL Mutation Query Not working in Apollo Server

    0 helpppp, I am making a movie website using Tmdb api built with Nestjs and Graphql as the backend, I wanted to make a patch request that users can upload their ratings for each of the movies, here is the link to the docs for more details:, I am using schema first approach with […]

  • Hotchocolate Graphql with Angular Apollo Code Gen

    0 I’m trying to test out the apollo graphql codegen for angular. as such I created a net 5 server that hosts Grapqhl endpoint at https://localhost:8081/api/graphql/. It loads fine and no worries. I’ve then created a dummy angular project with apollo graphql in it and installed the code gen as per these two guides: […]

  • AppSync Enhanced Filtering resolver

    0 My schema: type Mutation { createOrder(order: OrderDTO!): Order! } type Subscription { onNewOrder(minimumPrice: Float): Order @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createOrder"]) } My Lambda resolver for createOrder mutation: exports.handler = async function (event: OrderEvent): Promise<OrderWithPrice> { const order = await orderRepository.createOrder(event); … return { …order, totalPrice: await calculateTotalPrice(order) } }; The user should pass minimumPrice parameter on subscription […]

  • Graphiql not working due of security – Spring for GraphQL

    0 I’m trying to use graphiql UI but due of Spring Security, I receive 401. What’s the way to keep /graphql endpoint secured but let /graphiql request to graphql endpoint? I’m on Spring Boot 3.1.4 and Spring For Graphql 1.2.3 If I permitall /graphql it works but I loss security. I Tried also to put […]