
  • GitLab: How to query history commits of certain branch with GraphQL

    0 I’m trying to query the commit history of a project’s repository of certain branch with GraphQL, is this possible? And there is no related samples I can find in Gitlab docs, or did I have to use the REST API which is much more viable. I’ll be appreciated if anyone have any ideas about […]

  • How to avoid specifying field name in Octokit GraphQL

    1 Example query: mutation prrt($input: AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput!) { addPullRequestReviewThread(input: $input) { thread { id } } } Using Octokit, I have to type like this: const mutateFn = graphql<{ addPullRequestReviewThread: AddPullRequestReviewThreadPayload; }>; const response = await mutateFn(mutation, { input, headers }); The addPullRequestReviewThread: part is quite long. Can this be automated/inferred somehow? I’d like to just […]

  • GraphQL Client for C++ and .NET

    7 Is there an GraphQL client library available for C++ (Windows and Linux) and .NET? From Apollo website I can only see clients for React, Vue.js, Angular, Android, iOS, Ember and Meteor. If there is an Apollo client for C++ and .NET, where is it located ? If not, what should be used ? graphql […]

  • Graphql & requests package py: How to use variables in the query body

    -2 I am using requests package from python to use graphql api to create users in my wiki.js I have the following code where I want to use variables for email and name fields. They work when hard coded but I need it to work with variables. Code: # we have imported the requests module […]

  • How to create custom Authorization Attribute for GraphQL Endpoints to allow users base on their “permission” claim in access token

    0 I’m currently working on a .NET Core project that utilizes both regular API endpoints and GraphQL endpoints using HotChocolate. I implemented the authentication for both endpoints and it working. [Authorize] // this attribute from using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; [HttpPost("GetCountryHolidays")] public async Task<IList<GetCountryDetails>> GetHolidays(GetHolidaysCommand command) { return await _mediator.Send(command); } Graphql endpoint [Authorize] // this attribute from […]

  • Implementing GraphQL stitch with RabbitMQ in NestJS

    0 I’m working on a NestJS task where I must use GraphQL stitching with RabbitMQ. I actually have explored various options, however am having trouble finding clean and exact commands on a way to obtain this integration. problem: I want to set up a microservices architecture using GraphQL stitching, and I’ve chosen RabbitMQ as the […]

  • Docker Containers failing to connect to each other – connection refused

    1 I have a simple application orchestrated by Docker Compose. It consists of a simple frontend (built using NextJS), a GraphQL API (built with NestJS), and a microservice (built with NestJS). The architecture is as follows: The frontend speaks directly to the GraphQL service. The GraphQL service communicates to the microservice via a NATS server […]

  • condensing an async method into a one liner

    0 I’m working on some async code for subscriptions / web sockets and have the following code after some effort. This in itself is functional. @type(name="Subscription") class ContactsSubscription: @subscription async def company(self, info: Info, pk: str) -> AsyncGenerator[CompanyType, None]: async for i in model_subscribe_publisher(info=info, pk=pk, model=Company): yield i The part where I’m struggling is discovering […]

  • GraphQlTester or GraphQLTestTemplate is not getting injected With SpringBoot 3.x

    0 SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK) @AutoConfigureGraphQlTester class SpaceControllerTest { @Autowired private GraphQlTester graphQlTester; // below the test cases` Throwing exception : Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field ‘graphQlTester’: No qualifying bean of type ‘org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester’ available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} I tried working on various options but not getting […]

  • Wikijs Graphql: How to create multiple users at a time?

    0 I am trying to create multiple users at a time from a CSV file. Right now I am only able to create one user at a time using the following mutation: mutation { users { create ( email: "" name: "" passwordRaw:: "" providerKey: "" groups: [1] mustChangePassword: true sendWelcomeEmail: false ) { responseResult […]