
  • What plugin should I use to generate types for a server-side only library?

    0 I have a working codegen.yml example using: src/generated/graphql.tsx: plugins: – typescript – typescript-operations – typescript-react-apollo that works great for our front end code making a tsx final result used with react. Over in my other project: src/generated.ts: plugins: – "typescript" – "typescript-operations" – "typescript-document-nodes" I’ve replaced typescript-react-apollo with typescript-document-nodes and sometimes I can get […]

  • How to import gql to create typedefs in apollo server v4?

    0 In the version 3 of apollo server, we could use import {gql} from "apollo-server-express" to create typedefs and schemas. But in v4 of apollo server, apollo-server-express and apollo-server-core are depreciated and will be removed. So, instead of importing gql from apollo-server-express, how can we import gql I tried import gql from new @apollo/server and […]

  • how i can create a function in flutter using graphQL to register a user in supabase platform?

    -2 the problem is specifically related to user registration using GraphQL on the Supabase platform, and you’re seeking help to resolve it. this the function i use Future<void> registerEmployee( String email, String password, BuildContext context) async { try { setIsLoading = true; if (email.isEmpty || password.isEmpty) { throw ‘All Fields are required’; } const String […]

  • is typegraphql field generic object possible

    0 Hi I am a bit of a newbie in typegraphql and graphql in general so theres a thing that i want to change but to put it simply: Current Working Code I want to change: @ObjectType() export class Game { @Field(() => Int) id: number; @Field({ nullable: true }) producedByUserName?: string; @Field({ nullable: true […]

  • Data is not displayed at front end react with graphql queries at node.js backend

    0 import { gql } from ‘@apollo/client’; const GET_CLIENTS = gql` query getClients { clients { id name email phone } } `; export { GET_CLIENTS }; import {gql} from ‘@apollo/client’; const DELETE_CLIENT = gql` mutation deleteClient($id: ID!) { deleteClient(id:$id) { id name email phone } } `; export {DELETE_CLIENT}; import React from ‘react’; import […]

  • String cannot represent a non string value [Apollo client and nextjs]

    0 I am working on a project which uses apollo client and nextjs on the frontend and apollo server with nodejs on the backend In nextJs when i am using getServerSideProps , i am passing a string variable "orderBy" with the query export async function getServerSideProps(context: GetServerSidePropsContext) { const { query } = context const […]

  • How to combine two maps in R?

    6 I need your help, and I have provided the sample codes below. My issue involves placing ‘map2’ in a square at the top left corner of ‘map1’ and adding an arrow from ‘map2’ to a specific location on ‘map1’. I’ve searched the site, but most commonly discussed topics are related to merging two data […]

  • Federated Graphql in case of list of items

    0 I have defined Subgraphs as below and data is fetched from multiple sources Subgraph A type Query { getAllItems(type: String!) : AllItems } type AllItems{ type: String response: QueryResponse items: [Item!]! pageInfo: Page totalCount: Int } type Item @key(fields: "id") { val1: String val2: String id: ID! } SubgraphB type Item @key(fields: "id") @extends […]

  • FREE fast ranks for

    Hi there Just checked your baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website We will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge. Start recovering your ranks today: Professional linksprofile Clean up Service Regards Mike Sheldon Hilkom Digital SEO […]

  • Limit API Calls in nextJS to Hygraph

    0 I’m building nextJS webApp that accesses hygraph for data management via API calls(GraphQL). Hygraph limits the free plan to 1M API calls per project per month. Each page on the webapp requests data independently through API with useeffect. For example: const Team = () => { let router = useRouter(); const [profile, setProfile] = […]