
  • SpringBoot2.7.x Graphql Query did not work

    0 first sorry im not good at english that is my setting, and i call query, SpringBoot is work, query is work but return nothing, not null, just return nothing in postman how can i resolve this… 🙁 programming is so hard @Controller @Transactional class MemberGraphController ( private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val passwordEncoder: PasswordEncoder […]

  • I am getting an error when using nestjs-tenancy with mongoose and graphql

    0 With basic setup as outlined in the docs module doesn’t work with nestjs and graphql. After little debugging I found that "getTenantFromRequest" in the TenancyCore module called twice. In first call req was available and I was able to capture the header. But in the second call req was null. Which case tenantId […]

  • Curl API call in PHP

    1 I’m new to PHP and trying to make a request to a third-party API using curl. This is what I am trying, but it is just responding with what is on the API’s root endpoint. $service_url = ‘’; $curl = curl_init($service_url); $curl_post_data = array( ‘Pragma’ => ‘no-cache’, ‘Origin’ => ‘’, ‘Accept-Encoding’ => ‘gzip, deflate’, […]

  • use nexus-prisma without prisma client

    0 I am planning on using prisma for building the database and migrations, I am not going to use prisma client as there are some limitations I am hitting since prisma does not use native joins. I also want to use nexus prisma to auto generate types for my graphql api. However, I see that […]

  • Deadlocks whenever calling graphQLClient from Maui

    0 I am really struggling to get any data returned from a GraphQL Query in Maui. I had the code in the initializer of the Page and was hitting Deadlocks. I get that now. So I have move the code to a button on a page. It is hanging on the line below the Task […]

  • Posting Image to wordpress through Apollo client and GraphQL

    0 I’m currently facing a challenge with React Native related to file uploads. I’m working with a WordPress backend that uses GraphQL, and for file uploading, I’m relying on the wp-graphql-upload plugin available on GitHub. This plugin requires the submission of actual file objects, but React Native inherently doesn’t support direct file submissions – it […]

  • Code splitting GraphQL types causing issues on require

    0 I’m going through a graphql & node tutorial and I’m trying to do a bit of code splitting on the various aspects of the repo, splitting the Types, mock data and schema out into their own respective directories. It seems that the schema and the mock data are playing ball, but the types are […]

  • Propagate data from parent to data data loader DGS netflix

    0 I implement the data loader return object. so I need to put this object in another data loader child . can you help me to understand how to propagate data from the parent to child data loader ? graphql netflix-dgs Share Improve this question Follow asked 56 mins ago BRAIEK AYEMNBRAIEK AYEMN 8911 silver […]

  • How to support ‘.gql’ files for EsLint and Prettier in VS Code

    -1 In my project I have some .gql files: src/components/mycomponent/MyComponent.gql import { gql } from ‘@apollo/client’; export default gql` query MyQuery { myQuery { test } } ` In my VS Code settings file I added: // .vscode/settings.json { "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", "astro", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "gql" ], // rest of the config } In […]

  • How can I upload file in Apollo server V4

    7 I’m using the newer version of apollo server V4, I need assistance on how to upload images or videos from Frontend to cloudinary and save the url to MongoDB database… please help 🙏 I have read through Apollo docs but there are no answers there… I’m kind of stuck now reactjs express graphql apollo-server […]