
  • Why HotChocolate does not use the input typename instead of described type name?

    0 I have the following mutation in my schema which uses DocumentGraphQlInput as input type. But when I take a look at the schema in StrawberryShake I see that the type name is used (with Input suffix) which is described as DocumentGraphQlInput. What I describe below is the right behaviour and my expectations a wrong, […]

  • GraphQL to order by coordinates

    0 I have a graphql query that returns a list of pullup bar objects. Query: query PullUpBarsByDate($userID: String) { PullUpBarsByDate( type: "PullUpBar" sortDirection: DESC ) { items { id lat lng userID } } } Returns something like this: [ { id: "rf6zrd1prm", lat: 63.50235889533083, lng: 28.426290788320724, }, { id: "y80ymnlgzi7", lat: 62.5654380797649, lng: 17.338090077030582, […]

  • Node.js, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Mongoose – Category Tree

    0 I am trying to create Category Tree with Node.js, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Mongoose technologies. But when I want to get the created Category or Subcategory data, the output is not what I want. Output; { "data": { "getCategories": { "success": true, "response_code": "categories-successfully-retrieved", "message": "Categories Successfully Retrieved!", "categories": [ { "_id": "655a1b6018951b0985fd7635", "name": "K […]

  • Rename types with graphql-codegen

    4 I’m working on a legacy codebase where, in our GraphQL schema, an interface was defined as ‘Subscription’: interface Subscription { fieldOne: String fieldTwo: String } type FirstSubscriptionType implements Subscription { anotherField: String } type SecondSubscriptionType implements Subscription { yetAnotherField: String } This has worked fine (we don’t use subscriptions and don’t have plans to), […]

  • How to get access to class IList members through GraphQL?

    0 I have a simple Graphql query like this public class Query { public async Task<IPagedList<Book>> Books(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { var data = new List<Book>() { new() { Title = "C# in depth.", Author = new Author { Name = "Jon Skeet" } },new() { Title = "How to cook Phở", Author = new […]

  • .NET8 supports Vector512, but why doesn’t Vector reach 512 bits?

    7 My CPU is AMD Ryzen 7 7840H which supports AVX-512 instruction set. When I run the .NET8 program, the value of Vector512.IsHardwareAccelerated is true. But System.Numerics.Vector<T> is still 256-bit, and does not reach 512-bit. Why doesn’t the Vector<T> type reach 512 bits in length? Is it currently unsupported, or do I need to tweak […]

  • MySQL query data returns null GraphQL node.js

    0 I’m having trouble handling MySQL query data in the resolve function of GraphQL objects. The data returns null in GraphiQL despite printing with console.log(). I’ve tried using JSON.parse(). I have the following code: Schema.js const graphql = require(‘graphql’); const queries = require(‘../mysql/queries’); const { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLID, GraphQLInt, GraphQLFloat, GraphQLList, GraphQLNonNull } = […]

  • How to avoid overspecifying fields in queries in graphql while avoiding multiple network requests across pages

    0 If I have two pages, StepsList and StepDetail, I understand it’s impossible to avoid overfetching on the first page (StepsList) if we want to avoid a second network request on StepDetail // StepsList steps { id name <- I have to specify this field here even if it’s not used, to avoid a network […]

  • Apollo Client gql lte, gte null values Issue

    0 I have this query using to query from a graphql subgraph. I use apollo client in my Next.js front-end to query data. This is my query: const DOMAIN_FIELDS = gql` fragment DomainFields on Domain { expires id isListed name listingPrice listingExpiresAt lastSalePrice owner tokenId seller } `; export const GET_DOMAINS = gql` ${DOMAIN_FIELDS} query […]

  • NextJS with Apollo and Graphql use of Fragment

    0 I would like to use same basic fragments in my query. But as soon as I use my fragment variable: ${NEXT_SEO_FRAGMENT} I got following Error: ApolloError: Response not successful: Received status code 500 my query: import { getApolloClient } from "../apollo-client"; import gql from ‘graphql-tag’ import { Locale } from "../types"; const NEXT_SEO_FRAGMENT = […]