WikiJs GraphQl select content type when creating a page

WikiJs GraphQl select content type when creating a page


Hello I am currently having the problem that if I try to create a page with the GraphQl Api for WikiJs that the content type is always text when I would like it to be markdown. Does someone know what I a doing wrong or what I need to change in my query. Below you find an exmaple of the query used.

          create(content: "Test for best result", description: "Testsite to check creation", editor: "Markdown", isPublished: true, isPrivate: false, locale : "en", path: "/home/product_factory/devops/monitoring/Changelogs/", title: "New Changelog", tags: [])


I tried searching online for a solution but found nothing. I also tried creating a page in the web ui and there everthing works.

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