This is my query(This is working query but static because i already put the cursor id/value to the after:"") but when i put the $cursor my pagination is not working.
I need to get the next product list on the same page that’s why i use AJAX but i dont know why it’s not working after i click the next button.
$numProducts = $request->input('numProducts', 3); // Default to 3 products per page
$cursor = $request->input('cursor', null); // Get cursor from the request
$query = <<<'GRAPHQL'
query ($numProducts: Int!){
products(first: $numProducts, after: "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo4NjM0Mjg1NDI0OTE0LCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjoiODYzNDI4NTQyNDkxNCJ9", query: "(status:ACTIVE{{ TAG_FILTER }})") {
edges {
node {
images(first: 9) {
edges {
node {
pageInfo {
$variables = [
'numProducts' => $numProducts,
'cursor' => $cursor,
// Prepare the request payload
$payload = [
'query' => $query,
'variables' => $variables,
// Send the GraphQL request
$response = Http::withBasicAuth($apiKey, $apiPassword)
->post($graphqlEndpoint, $payload);
$data = $response->json();
// Check if 'data' key exists in the response
if (isset($data['data']) && isset($data['data']['products']['edges'])) {
$products = $data['data']['products']['edges'];
$nextCursor = $data['data']['products']['pageInfo']['endCursor'];
} else {
// Handle the case where the response structure is not as expected
$products = [];
$nextCursor = null;
// Now you can work with the $products array as needed
return view('dashboard.product', [
'data' => $products,
'numProducts' => $numProducts,
'cursor' => $cursor,
'nextCursor' => $nextCursor,
This is my AJAX
// Variables to track the current cursor and number of products
let afterCursor = null;
let productsPerPage = 3; // You can set your desired number of products here
// Function to load products using AJAX
function loadProducts(afterCursor) {
// Make an AJAX request to fetch products based on the current cursor and numProducts
route: '/getShopifyProducts', // Replace with your Laravel route
method: 'GET',
data: {
afterCursor: afterCursor,
productsPerPage: productsPerPage
success: function(data) {
// Handle the response data, update the product list, and pagination
// You can update your product list and pagination elements here
// Example: Update product list and pagination
.productsHtml); // Replace 'productsHtml' with the actual key in your response
.hasNextPage); // Replace 'hasNextPage' with the actual key in your response
.hasPreviousPage); // Replace 'hasPreviousPage' with the actual key in your response
// Load products when the page loads
$(function() {
let responseData = {}; // Initialize an empty object
// Event listener for the "Next" button
$('#nextPage').on('click', function() {
if (responseData.hasNextPage) {
// Update the cursor for the next page
afterCursor = responseData.endCursor; // Use the endCursor from the response
// Event listener for the "Previous" button
$('#prevPage').on('click', function() {
if (responseData.hasPreviousPage) {
// Update the cursor for the previous page (if needed)
afterCursor = responseData.startCursor; // Use the startCursor if available