What is the best way to push file changes to github programmatically?

What is the best way to push file changes to github programmatically?


I need to push changes to files on a number of projects in a regular basis, through automation. Assuming the data is available in a specific branch locally, how do I push the changes to github through API? There is a REST API and also the graphQL API , but both seem to require the contents of the files to be sent to github inlined in the API call. This is not clean when we have to do this on large scale.
Is there a way to automate the commit and push to git by mentioning the file names and not actually dealing with the file content ?
One option I can think of is to script the git command line commands and not using the REST or GraphQL at all.Looking for insights and thoughts on this.

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1 Answer

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Automating the push of changes to GitHub repositories can be efficiently achieved through scripting and utilizing the Git command-line interface. Since you’re dealing with multiple projects and wish to avoid inlining file contents in API calls, here’s a suggested approach:

  1. Scripting with Git Commands: Develop a script (Bash, Python, etc.) that navigates to each local repository, stages the changes using git add, commits using git commit, and then pushes using git push origin <branch>.

  2. Loop Through Projects: In your script, loop through your projects’ directories and execute the Git commands for each.

  3. Dynamic File List: If you want to avoid specifying file names in the script, you could use dynamic file discovery methods within each repository to determine which files have changed and need to be committed.

  4. Batch Processing: Depending on the scale of your projects, consider running this script as a scheduled task to automate regular pushes.

  5. Error Handling: Implement error handling and logging to ensure the process runs smoothly even in case of failures.

This approach eliminates the need for the REST or GraphQL API and provides greater control over the automation process. It’s a cleaner way to manage changes across multiple projects. However, keep in mind to properly test and validate your script before deploying it to ensure it works as intended.

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  • Zain, Appreciate the quick response. Can you confirm this is not a chatGPT response and is coming from your experience. Looking at the response style it looks very much like chatGPT. While the provided steps are an option, the purpose of posting in a forum is to get a response based on personal experience. Again, thanks for responding.

    – Rishi S

    1 hour ago

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