Tag: web-api-testing
Unable to upload a image in Karate Framework using graphQl mutation
0 [[enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/PY6FQ.png)](htenter image description heretps://i.stack.imgur.com/06hOp.png) Unable to upload an image using graphQl query in Karate framework. ERROR: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: no step-definition method match found for: multipart logo logo = {read: ‘data/hummingbirdbird.jpeg’, filename: ‘hummingbirdbird.jpeg’, contentType: ‘image/jpeg’} classpath:superdeker/createteam/createTeam.feature:15 Can someone help me here pls. graphql karate web-api-testing Share Follow asked 22 mins ago Dhamotharan RDhamotharan…
Load testing in Postman using GraphQL API
0 I want to perform load testing using Postman for GraphQL API. The requirement is that I need to confirm whether the application is able to withstand 200 concurrent requests. But in Postman Canary I am not able to specify 200 concurrent requests. Can any one help on this. graphql postman load-testing web-api-testing Share Improve…