Tag: micronaut
Error when Trying to Execute GraphQL Mutation with Micronaut and Kotlin
0 I am creating a microanuat and kotlin app using grapqhl but when trying with curl am getting an error which i have pasted below the code, am trying to figure wher i am going wrong import graphql.ExecutionInput import graphql.GraphQL import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller import io.micron " curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ‘{ "query": "mutation…
Micronaut – Exception: manualy registered singleton by adding framework dependecy
0 I currently have an existing Micronaut server project that containing multiple endpoints. I’m considering incorporating an additional GraphQL endpoint and introducing management endpoints for a new feature. However, whenever I add one of these dependencies (micronaut-graphql or micronaut-management), the software fails to start and consistently generates the following error message: ←[36m13:12:08.804←[0;39m ←[1;30m[main]←[0;39m ←[1;31mERROR←[0;39m ←[35mio.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut←[0;39m…