Tag: Json
Error when installing apollo/client in react-native app
0 I am building a react native cli app and I want to use @apollo/client to reach the graphql server. But when running these commands npm install @apollo/client graphql I get the following error. npm ERR! ERESOLVE could not resolve npm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: [email protected] npm ERR! Found: [email protected] npm ERR! node_modules/graphql npm…
GraphQL circular dependency JSON
-1 I am trying to pass an input object to a GraphQL object that looks like this: input User { id: ID posts: [Post] } input Post { id: ID user: User } When pass an input object of type User which has a circular dependency with Post, I get a circular dependency error in…
How to Set GraphQL Variables in PHP
1 I’m using the FXHash API to access listings with this query: query Listings($sort: ListingsSortInput) { listings(sort: $sort) { amount createdAt price issuer { name } objkt { name } } } $options = ‘{ "sort": { "createdAt": "DESC" } }’; I’d like to use the query above in PHP with the sort by createdAt…
In GraphQL what’s the meaning of “edges” and “node”?
164 I am consuming a GraphQL endpoint and I get results that contain edges and node tags. I am supplying a clean JSON structure for my query, so this doesn’t make sense to me. It seems as if the GraphQL server is polluting my data with no obvious benefit. Why are these terms included in…