Tag: graphql
Software Engineer-1
-1 Getting 404 not found error for /graphql endpoint.I have added configurations related to graphql ie. schema classpath, enabled graphql. I have added the required dependencies : "spring-boot-starter-graphql" and "graphql-java-tools". I have created a controller containing the @QueryMapping for querying data . I tried updating adding @Component on my Controller (saw in a post) but…
NestJS – Avoid returning user’s password
2 I have a little problem with my project using GraphQL and Mongoose (code-first approach). I have a findCurrentUser query in my user’s resolver that returns the information about the currently authenticated user, but I don’t want to return the user’s password, how I can avoid this? User’s Resolver: @Query(() => User) @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard) async findCurrentUser(@CurrentUser()…
error TS2769: No overload matches this call, nothing works
-1 im facing some issues with my code. Currently im doing the Catstronaut, from the (Lift-Off II) GraphQL with Apollo Tutorial. But after i wanna restart my services (dev and server) im recieving those errors: It shows some Overloads 1 of 2 below you can find the whole Error message and a code snippet from…
HotChocolate configure backend property for filter criteria
0 I have a project using HotChocolate and EFCore where I have the following entities: public class Entity { public int EntityId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string AuthorId { get; set; } } public class Author { public string AuthorId { get; set; } public string Name…
Shopify GraphQL list all unique product options
0 I need to list all unique product-options within a Shopify store using the GraphQL API. However, I’m unable to do so and can’t find the solution in the API docs. Currently, I can query all product-options in the store using GraphQL-query: query { translatableResources(first:250, resourceType:PRODUCT_OPTION) { nodes { resourceId, translatableContent { key, locale, type,…
Cannot query actual values “_blank” with underscore via graphql in Strapi
0 I create Enumeration values with underscore in Strapi, such as "_blank", "_self", and then query these values via graphql, the returned value is "blank", but if I query the value via RestApi, the returned value is "_blank". create enumeration in Strapi How can I query the actual value "_blank" via graphql in Strapi? graphql…
How to reduct execution time of GraphQL data fetching
0 If I start with a large GraphQL query that has 600+ spans on the dataFetching graphql resource, and I extract part of the query so that there are only 200 spans on that resource, the execution time of dataFetching doesn’t change at all. I don’t really understand why that is? If it’s not fetching…
How to set timeout to graphql-client
7 I’m trying to set timeout with prisma-labs/graphql-request. I’ve tried the way described here – https://github.com/prisma-labs/graphql-request/issues/103. const client = new GraphQLClient(config.url, { timeout: 30000, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` } }) My compiler complains as timeout is not directly present in Options interface – https://github.com/prisma-labs/graphql-request/blob/master/src/types.ts#L7. Should I need to extend the Options interface to use…
The problem of cyclic dependence in constructing the links between AuthService and FreshLink for OAuth2.0 authorization in GraphQL in Flutter
0 In my project, I use the fresh_graphql package to refresh tokens at the GraphQLClient link level. This package adds the access token to headers, manages token storage, and handles authorization errors, after which it refreshes the tokens. I plan to create a similar link that will only add tokens to headers and handle authorization…