Tag: graphql
Export GraphQL result to CSV without pagination
0 We have multiple lists that contain filters and are requested with GraphQL. We want to export the results to a CSV. At the moment we created a controller that loops over the paginator by requesting the GraphQL endpoint and concats the result to one array. Is there a native way to do it internally…
GraphQL Hot Chocolate Stiching
0 I have 2 GraphQL servers + 1 that should stick them into one. I cannot get my head around the Stitching.graphql file and how it works. I tried the tutorials on the Hot Chocolate website and webinars but still no luck. Pokemon – is working on its own schema { query: PokemonQuery } type…
How to retrieve data where a record field matches with any item in the given list?
0 How to get all records from AWS Amplify GraphQL API where the field(example busNumber) of a model matches with any item in the given list. Note:- busNumber is of type String I am using AWS client side library to perform this in Kotlin in android studio. My Dependencies are:- implementation ‘com.amplifyframework:core:1.4.0’ implementation ‘com.amplifyframework:aws-api:2.14.1’ This…
Any way to only cache GOOD responses in data sources?
0 Is there any way in @apollo/datasource-rest to cache "good" responses from my rest api, i.e statuses 200 to 299. I read in the datasource-rest documentation (https://github.com/apollographql/datasource-rest/blob/main/src/HTTPCache.ts#L201) that "With a TTL override, only cache successful responses but otherwise ignore method and response headers" Does that mean that adding this to my dataSource: cacheOptions: { ttl:…
How to reduce execution time of GraphQL data fetching
0 If I start with a large GraphQL query that has 600+ spans on the dataFetching graphql resource, and I extract part of the query so that there are only 200 spans on that resource, the execution time of dataFetching doesn’t change at all. I don’t really understand why that is? If it’s not fetching…
header for authentication in django and graphql
0 { "Authorization": "JWT token" } and in graphQL my query is : query{ allStudents{ name roll } } but stil does’t work for me I am expecting to secure my api end point because all will create tokenauth then can access data import graphene from graphene_django.types import DjangoObjectType import graphql_jwt from .models import Student…
Why state not updating from useMutation?
0 I’m trying to update state(useState) from useMutation(Apollo Client) callbacks, but it is not updating the state. Setting it inside "error" callback. Getting error in console: Warning: Can’t perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions…
Graphql federation vs schema stitching. When to pick one over the other
3 I’m new to both concepts so excuse me if it’s opinion-based. Currently, I’m looking at Apollo Federation and schema stitching provided by the graphql-tools package, though I guess it applies to similar packages. Could something like a table be created describing certain requirements/conditions to prefer one over the other? graphql graphql-tools graphql-federation Share Improve…
Keep getting Error 403 while trying to scrape GraphQL with Python
0 I’m trying to scrape a website that uses GraphQL using requests. For that, I copied the link as cURL and used the value the create my payload, but I keep getting the following error. requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://www.vrbo.com/graphql If it helps, here is the cURL value : curl "https://www.vrbo.com/graphql" –compressed…
Why does membersWithRoles not return all members of an organization?
0 Using GraphQL for GitHub, I cannot get the full set of members in an organization. Using this GraphQL query, I get 45 users: query {node(id: "#@#@#$@#$##$#@") { … on Organization { membersWithRole (first: 100) { totalCount nodes { login id name createdAt, updatedAt} }}}} and same with this one: organization(login: "OrgName") { membersWithRole(first:100) {…