Salesforce GraphQL API Pagination: Duplicate Records Returned in Second Page Query

Salesforce GraphQL API Pagination: Duplicate Records Returned in Second Page Query


salesforce graphql api query accounts, for the second page, using previous endCursor for "after" value, return some duplicate records that already show in the first page. I am using v57 api

First page query:

query accounts {
  uiapi {
    query {
      Account (first:10) {
        edges {
          node {
            Name {

Second page query with cursor:

query accounts {
  uiapi {
    query {
      Account (first:10, after:"djE6OQ==") {
        edges {
          node {
            Name {

It should work like Offset/Limit in SOQL, but more efficient, why the pagination returns duplicate records that already returned in the previous pages? Is there something wrong in my query?


1 Answer

Reset to default


Unfortunately I don’t have an answer, but wanted to mention that I’ve come across the same issue when using the Salesforce REST API to pull down records from a custom Data Extension. As soon as I call back to get page 2 (or 3, or 4, etc), I start to get a few duplicate records that were returned on the previous page.

I ended up updating the code that makes the calls to the API to handle/remove duplicates. I’m surprised there aren’t more people having this issue.


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