onCompleted of Apollo’s useLazyQuery does not get called when the execute function resolves

onCompleted of Apollo’s useLazyQuery does not get called when the execute function resolves


I am facing a problem with the following snippet:

const [execute] = useLazyQuery(gql`
  query Example($id: String!) {
    node(id: $id) {
      ... on Train {
        passengers(first: 1) {

useEffect(() => {
  execute({ onCompleted: () => console.log("Hello world") })
}, [])
interface Node {
  id: ID!

type PassengerConnection {
  totalCount: Int!

type Train {
  id: ID!
  passengers(first: Int): PassengerConnection!

type Query {
  node(id: String!): Node

Observing the network tab tells that the server do return a response.
The execute function indeed returns a promise and this promise resolves that response.

But onCompleted is not called at any circumstances


onCompleted gets run

What I’ve been doing

result.data &&
previousResult?.networkStatus !== result.networkStatus &&
result.networkStatus === NetworkStatus.ready

The above snippet is used by Apollo to evaluate if it will run onCompleted.
Using the debug tool, I’ve gotten to know that it will be called 3 times, the first time with { loading: true, networkStatus: 1 }, the second time with { loading: false, networkStatus: 7 } and the third time with { data: {...}, loading: false, networkStatus: 7 } while theoretically it should’ve been called 2 times

Please be mindful that adding notifyOnNetworkStatusChange does help 🙁

I’d like to ask what might be the cause to this
Thank you

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