I’m trying to create a post and attach tags to it.
I’m also trying to create a post and create a tag that will be associated with the post.
I followed the documentation but in the end it doesn’t work.
I get an sql error when trying to create a Post and attach a Tag to it.
The "connect" function also does not work.
How to solve these problems ?
My graphql schema
type Post {
id: ID!
source: String!
channel_name: String!
channel_img: String
name: String
create_date: Date!
attachments: [Attachment] @hasMany
tags: [Tag] @belongsToMany
type Attachment {
id: ID!
type: String!
data: String!
post: Post! @belongsTo
type Tag {
id: ID!
name: String
color: String!
img: String
posts: [Post] @belongsToMany
# Querys
type Query {
posts: [Post] @paginate
post(id: Int! @eq): Post @find
attachments: [Attachment] @all
attachment(id: Int! @eq): Attachment @find
tags: [Tag] @all
tag(id: Int! @eq): Tag @find
# Mutations
input CreateTag {
img: String
name: String! @rules(apply: ["unique:tags"])
color: String!
input CreatePostInput {
source: String!
channel_name: String!
channel_img: String
name: String
create_date: Date!
tags: CreateTagsLink
input CreateTagsLink {
create: [CreateTag!]
connect: [ID!]
type Mutation {
createPost(input: CreatePostInput! @spread): Post! @create
createTag(input: CreateTag! @spread): Tag! @create
attachTag(post_id: ID!, tag_id: ID!): Post
My mutation
mutation MyMutation {
input: {channel_name: "Test6", create_date: "2023-08-26", source: "MY", tags: {create: {name: "test55", color: "#ffffff"}}}
) {
My my result
enter image description here
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