Is there a way to filter a nested value in GraphQL with a higher up value?

Is there a way to filter a nested value in GraphQL with a higher up value?


I’m wondering if there’s a way to filter a nested section with a higher up value – see below:

query readSeasons($seasonID: ID) {
  readSeasons(filter: { id: { eq: $seasonID } }) {
    nodes {
      minimumGamesToRank <----- THIS
        filter: { matchesPlayed: { gte: minimumGamesToRank } }, <----- THIS
        sort: { currentPosition: ASC }
      ) {
        nodes {

I am trying to filter playerSeasons based on the minimumGamesToRank value above.

I tried to use the higher up value to filter the playerSeasons but it was just erroring. I’m wondering if there’s a specific way to define this?

Any ideas on this would be amazing!

Thanks in advance 🙂

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