How to use operator like geater than, less than etc in sorry-cypress graphql api

How to use operator like geater than, less than etc in sorry-cypress graphql api


I wanted to filter out specific runs based on createdAt property on sorry-cypress. I was able to add the exact match via parameter. I could not figure out how to give a date range filter in the sorry-cypress graphql query. A greater than and less than operator will help. I could not find any documentation on it too. I would appreciate any help in this regard.


1 Answer

Reset to default


Sorry-Cypress has some grapql reference hidden in their repo –

There you can find input Filters that has like field in it, so we can apply the following:

query dateSelectionQuery {
        filters: [
                key: "createdAt"
                like: "2023-08"
    ) {

This query will output all run IDs for August. You can play around with this like field and get an appropriate pattern.


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