How to create Shopify Order Discount App? [closed]

How to create Shopify Order Discount App? [closed]


I am trying to create a Shopify order discount app. I have installed the app and order discount extension. I have tried creating a code for product discount which was working fine but then I tried creating an app for order-discount, I don’t know why it is not working. Can anyone please help.


  • This is run.graphql code: query RunInput { cart { lines { quantity attribute(key: "discount") { value } merchandise { __typename … on ProductVariant { id } } } } }

    – Sheetal Sharma

    55 mins ago

  • Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read How To Ask a Good Question. "please help me" is not a question; we don't write code to specification. You are expected to study the problem ahead of time; think of logical steps to solve the problem; figure out exactly where you are stuck, and be able to show exact input and output.

    – itprorh66

    54 mins ago


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