GraphQL uses REST query which has an array as JSON response does not work

GraphQL uses REST query which has an array as JSON response does not work


I’m trying to query another system with a GraphQL query. Due to the system only takes REST queries I use the @rest operator to convert the query. But the REST query has an array as response which leads to the following error:

{"name":"ApolloError","graphQLErrors":[],"clientErrors":[],"networkError":{},"message":"typename is undefined"}

GraphQL query:

const QueueStatusQuery = gql`
query checkQueueStatus_HLS{
  robot(input:{}) @rest( method: "GET", path: "queue") { 

Response regarding to firefox inspector (JSON format):


All other rest query responses don’t have the [] bracket so GraphQL accepts then but I don’t know how to solve this.
I’m using useQuery by @apollo/client an a RestLink to connect to the other system.

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