GraphQL throws error of non-nullable field on a nullable field

GraphQL throws error of non-nullable field on a nullable field


I’ve the following schema

type Employee {
    id: UUID!
    createdAt: Time!
    updatedAt: Time!
    lastActivity: Activity

type Activity {
    id: UUID!
    createdAt: Time!
    updatedAt: Time!

extend type Query {
    Myself: Employee!

The lastActivity may or may not be present of course, but when querying it from my client it throws the following error

    "errors": [
            "message": "the requested element is null which the schema does not allow",
            "path": [
    "data": {
        "Myself": {
            "id": "257d9db3-118e-4728-9e6b-ef28e87b4907",
            "lastActivity": null,
            "__typename": "Employee"

What I send from the client is the following

query Myself {
  Myself {
    lastActivity {
    organization {

I’m not sure to understand why the query isn’t satisfied, because Activity in the context of Employee is indeed nullable. I tried changing the Activity type itself to make everything nullable and it solved the problem, but it’s only in this context that I want it nullable, not other ones. What I receive right now is actually what I expected.

What am I doing wrong here?

PS: I use Apollo on the client side with Vite and GQLGen with Golang on the server side, if that changes anything.


  • I read that error message as saying a lastActivity exists, but its createdAt time is incorrectly null. When a field error is reported the nearest nullable ancestor of the failing field becomes null in the response data.

    – David Maze

    4 mins ago

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