Newby here with amplify and graphql. I am using amplify v6: for react native. I was under the impression that graphql would return actual objects within an index, not just the objects id. So I think I have something configured wrong in my schema.graphql since all the queries are generated for me. Or, I am not using the listMenuItems query correctly.
Basically, I have menuItems that each have a category. The Categories are a separate table. So, when I query a menuItem for a vendor, and the menuItem is returned, the categoryId is returned, but not the category name. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
My MenuItems and MainCategories models are defined in the schema.graphql like:
type MainCategories @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: public }]) {
id: ID!
MenuItems: [MenuItems] @hasMany(indexName: "byMainCategories", fields: ["id"])
name: String!
type MenuItems @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: public }]) {
id: ID!
description: String
drink: String!
price: Float
vendorsID: ID! @index(name: "byVendors")
mainCategoriesID: ID! @index(name: "byMainCategories")
And I am querying like so:
const variables = {
filter: {
vendorsID: {eq: vendorId}
const foundItems = await client.graphql({
query: queries.listMenuItems,
variables: variables
And the data returned looks like
"createdAt": "2023-12-02T20:03:00.667Z",
"description": "Boneyard",
"drink": "Boneyard RPM",
"id": "86f11856-0512-42c9-9c62-bc89eb5e2ba3",
"maincategoriesID": "f2689854-1510-4854-a730-17172b3507a1",
"price": 5.99,
"updatedAt": "2023-12-02T20:03:00.667Z",
"vendorsID": "d2081b11-ceec-4607-9001-b077e54d6061"
instead of the return having "maincategoriesID": "f2689854-1510-4854-a730-17172b3507a1", I would like it to return the main category object with id and name so I don’t have to do a separate query for that mainCategory by id just to get the name. A return something like:
"createdAt": "2023-12-02T20:03:00.667Z",
"description": "Boneyard",
"drink": "Boneyard RPM",
"id": "86f11856-0512-42c9-9c62-bc89eb5e2ba3",
"mainCategory": {
"name": "beer"
"price": 5.99,
"updatedAt": "2023-12-02T20:03:00.667Z",
"vendorsID": "d2081b11-ceec-4607-9001-b077e54d6061"
Since the queries and mutations are autogenerated by amplify, I don’t think I should alter – nor need to alter those. I must be either not setting up connections in my models correclty or not using the listMenuItems query correclty.